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Friday, November 4, 2011

Lanny Breuer's Incredibly Stupid Comments

Those of us keeping track of the infamous “Fast and Furious” debacle, where the U.S. Justice Department not only armed Mexican Drug Cartels, but the action directly lead to the murder of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry, are well aware of the name Lanny Breuer, the Assistant Attorney General who heads the Justice Department’s Criminal Division. Breuer is a major Butt Clown, who recently said words to the effect that “if Agent Terry was not killed by a firearm from Fast and Furious, he would have been killed by another gun sold illegally by a U.S. gun dealer.”

Make no mistake about it, this Justice Department and this Administration has an anti-second amendment agenda. It is very telling that Mexico President Calderon is silent,......completely silent about the U.S. Government arming Mexican Drug Cartels,.....whereas in previous speaking engagements he has towed the Obama Administration line about the U.S. gun dealers arming cartels.

For one of the more recent article on Breuer’s go to Townhall here.

1 comment:

  1. Or that they get from Central and South America? Yup, he's a "Butt Clown" extraordinaire! There are many of these "BC's" at work in our Federal government and they need to GO! I'm sooooooooo tired of the "politically correctness of our government - PLEASE start telling it like it really is - AND use the facts!
