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Wednesday, July 7, 2010

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

Reconquista movement and entitlest mindset is alive in California.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Liberal Hypocrisy - Boycotting Arizona

Most fair minded people have long recognized the hypocrisy that exists in not only the left wing media but also left wing liberal politicians.

And most people are aware that liberal city councils in several states are voting to boycott business in Arizona over the Arizona Immigration Law. These left wing loons think they can bring pressure to bear on the Arizona government through punishing private businesses.

The latest example of hypocrisy is with the City Council of El Paso, Texas. Long known by many to be mostly a La Raza - Open Borders supporting group, the El Paso City Council was recently exposed for what they are, hypocrites, as they conveniently forgot to boycott one Arizona business because this Arizona company, Redflex Traffic Systems, is bringing money (reportedly $2 million a year) into the coffers of the City through it's red light camera systems. You know,...the cameras that take a picture of you running a red light and in turn send out automated traffic citations.

Yes, this is the same El Paso City Government that wants to raise taxes on home owners (which liberal governmental groups don't want to raise taxes?) even after reports came out that the tax payer funded County Hospital spends $40 million a year (two year old data) on treating illegal immigrants.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Bill Clinton - Another Revisionist of History

Bill Clinton,..yes, former President William Jefferson "BJ" Clinton not wanting to be out done on re-inventing history by the likes of President Barak Obama (aka Barry Soltero), offered his view on the life at Senator Robert Byrd, at the esteemed Senator's memorial service. note: Senator Byrd passed to that great big Pork Barrel in the sky on 28 June 2010.

Anyway, BJ Clinton said, words to the effect,..."that Senator Byrd has a fleeting association with the KKK, for which he was ashamed and spent the rest of his life making up for it."

Hmm,....Four year membership a fleeting association?

Years after Byrd officially ended his "fleeting relationship" with the KKK he still held positions like "I will not stand side by side with a Negro."

Clinton alluded to Byrd joining the KKK in order to get elected in a racist state. Oh yeah? During the Great War between the States, West Virginia sided with the anti-slavery Union as opposed to joining Virginia in the Confederacy. By the way, don't we want our politicians,..our Country's leaders to stand by their principles?!

Byrd also filibustered trying to stop the Civil Rights act of 1964 from being passed. He was long a segregationist,....for your liberals with nothing but an 6th grade education, ...that means a wanting a separation between races.

This just goes to show you the double standard, enabled by the liberal press, when it comes to Liberal Democrats and Conservatives.

While I intend no disrespect of a dead man,...I do offer this parting tribute,.... .....Senator Byrd was the longest serving U.S. Senator,...ever, truer cry, or no surer example for term limits.