I'll bet not too many people have heard of Susana Martinez, swept into the Governor's office in Sante Fe, New Mexico during the conservative bend by a population tired of the spending excesses, ineptness and corruption of the Bill Richardson adminstration.
Bill Richardson, better known as Bill Clinton's buddy, former U.S. Representative, former Secretary of Energy and former U.N. Ambassador..
......or that fat guy from Sante Fe.
Enough about cheeseball Richardson who has had an investigation doging his departure from office, and whose findings concerning political favors, vendettas and corruption seem to spring forth weekly long after the People of New Mexico evicted his twinkie eating butt.
I expect the Country will hear more about Susana Martinez, a former prosecutor from Las Cruces, New Mexico. Coming from family embeded in Law Enforcement,.....both her father and her husband were law enforcment officers,........ she is well entrenched in a law and order approach to illegal immigration in a state who has granted sanctuary staus and drivers licenses to illegal immigrants.
Gone is lavish spending such as the State jet she sold that used to fly Richardson's fat clown ass around, and gone is the environment of politcal favors.
Currently Governor Martinez is in a fight with the Democratic controlled Legislature over the coming state agenda. The Democrats on one side favor a one item agenda,....redistricting following the last census. Of course they are concerned about this as it goes to re-election and campaign funding,...continuous status and power.
Governor Martinez on the other hand favors tacking a myriad of problems among them: third graders who read below the national average; repealing drivers licenses to illegal immigrants; legislation to save the endangered state unemployment fund; legislation to ban fireworks during droughts - this in a state that was decimated by fires seems kinda common sense to most of us excepting Democrat politicians; and some movea afoot to grant New Mexico companies an advantage in state contracting bids and a public works project to put more people back to work.
So to summarize for the children and Liberals,....on one hand you have a state legislature looking only toward their political futures and one the other hand you have a leader. I think we'll be hearing much more about Governor Susana Martinez on the national stage in the coming years, as she is only 52 years old now.
Oh, did I mention she has a concealed weapons permit and routinely carries a handgun?
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Thursday, September 8, 2011
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
NEA,....well, They Just Plain Suck
Cowboys received a comment from Wayne,...."They need to start teaching the true history of the USA again. The NEA has failed the country! As such the Department of Education needs to be dismissed in total!"
Wayne, could not agree with you more. Little has Cowboys and Tea Parties wrote about the National Education Association so far, but they are always in our minds as they are another Union who exists to devise ways to perpetuate their existence, entitlements and power base. The NEA themselves boast that they are a "United States labor union representing teachers, secretaries and educational support personnel" .........hey, here's an idea, what about representing the children?
I think that education in general, with the Federal involvement or control over national education and the NEA's agenda, is a septic tank gobbling up funding and destroying education maing it a major political issue in the 2012 Presidential elections especially if Governor Rick Perry is the Republican nominee.
Some see this as a weakness for Perry, others as a strength. I can tell you that the Department of Education would come closet to being disbanded under a Perry Administration. I would like to see more States stand up to the Federal Government, and the Secretary of Education Arne Duncan, like
Perry did when he refused to sell control of the state's education system for any price or bribe from the Federal government. This was of course when Perry, continuing his disdain for the Federal government's role in public education, refused to allow the State of Texas to to accept a common national cirriculum for Federal funding.
The NEA is like any other union, strengthing their control and their entitlements to the detriment of the sector they work in. In his case, it's education and the children suffer.
Look at Michelle Rhee, the former Chancellor of the Washington, D.C. public schools from 2007 to 2010. She inherited a compleltly broke school system where students historically had below-average scores on standardized tests, such as only 8% of the eighth graders were at grade level in mathematics.....all this despite having the third highest spending per student in the US.
Rhee instituted accountability for the results from standardized tests. She closed 23 schools, fired 36 principals and cut approximately 121 office jobs.
She took on teacher tenure and pay issues, fighting the union who protected poor teachers,.......after all they pay union dues. She tried to trade higher pay for no tenure rights,...all along fought by the powerful union. Finally, in her final year as Chancellor, Rhee and the unions agreed on a new contract that offered 20% pay raises and bonuses of $20,000 to $30,000 for strong student scores and achievement, in exchange for weakened teachers' seniority protections and the end of teacher tenure for one year. Under this new contract, Rhee was able to fired over 240 poor performing teachers and put over 700 on a type of performance probation.
Maybe the next President, a Republican hopefully, can hire Michelle Rhee as the next, and last, Secretary of Education, tasking her to close down this enormous sink hole for tax payers money and return education to the states where it belongs.
Wayne, could not agree with you more. Little has Cowboys and Tea Parties wrote about the National Education Association so far, but they are always in our minds as they are another Union who exists to devise ways to perpetuate their existence, entitlements and power base. The NEA themselves boast that they are a "United States labor union representing teachers, secretaries and educational support personnel" .........hey, here's an idea, what about representing the children?
I think that education in general, with the Federal involvement or control over national education and the NEA's agenda, is a septic tank gobbling up funding and destroying education maing it a major political issue in the 2012 Presidential elections especially if Governor Rick Perry is the Republican nominee.
Some see this as a weakness for Perry, others as a strength. I can tell you that the Department of Education would come closet to being disbanded under a Perry Administration. I would like to see more States stand up to the Federal Government, and the Secretary of Education Arne Duncan, like
Perry did when he refused to sell control of the state's education system for any price or bribe from the Federal government. This was of course when Perry, continuing his disdain for the Federal government's role in public education, refused to allow the State of Texas to to accept a common national cirriculum for Federal funding.
The NEA is like any other union, strengthing their control and their entitlements to the detriment of the sector they work in. In his case, it's education and the children suffer.
Look at Michelle Rhee, the former Chancellor of the Washington, D.C. public schools from 2007 to 2010. She inherited a compleltly broke school system where students historically had below-average scores on standardized tests, such as only 8% of the eighth graders were at grade level in mathematics.....all this despite having the third highest spending per student in the US.
Rhee instituted accountability for the results from standardized tests. She closed 23 schools, fired 36 principals and cut approximately 121 office jobs.
She took on teacher tenure and pay issues, fighting the union who protected poor teachers,.......after all they pay union dues. She tried to trade higher pay for no tenure rights,...all along fought by the powerful union. Finally, in her final year as Chancellor, Rhee and the unions agreed on a new contract that offered 20% pay raises and bonuses of $20,000 to $30,000 for strong student scores and achievement, in exchange for weakened teachers' seniority protections and the end of teacher tenure for one year. Under this new contract, Rhee was able to fired over 240 poor performing teachers and put over 700 on a type of performance probation.
Maybe the next President, a Republican hopefully, can hire Michelle Rhee as the next, and last, Secretary of Education, tasking her to close down this enormous sink hole for tax payers money and return education to the states where it belongs.
Monday, September 5, 2011
Who Said This?
Cowboys and Tea Parties Quiz,....
Who said this:
"The Multiplication of public offices, increase of expense beyond income, growth and entailment of public debt, are indications soliciting the employment of the pruning knife."
If you guessed Congressman Jim Boehner, Speaker of the House of Representatives, you are wrong.
If you guessed Congressman Eric Cantor, House Republican Whip, you would be wrong.
Representative Paul Ryan?,.....nope.
You can bet your last dollar, no matter how fast inflation is rising, that nobody in Obama's cabinet or any Democrat for that matter said it.....hell, if any Liberal even thought it they would be kicked out of the Socialist party.
This is yet another pearl of wisdom from none other than Thomas Jefferson, 3rd American President, who in his ability to know human nature, as well as with his brothers the other Founding Fathers, have given us a path forward out of this mess of giant Federal Government, uncontrolled spending, massive regulation and an ever increasing choke hold on our unalienable rights.....if we just listen to them, heed their warnings and employ their wisdom.
Who said this:
"The Multiplication of public offices, increase of expense beyond income, growth and entailment of public debt, are indications soliciting the employment of the pruning knife."
If you guessed Congressman Jim Boehner, Speaker of the House of Representatives, you are wrong.
If you guessed Congressman Eric Cantor, House Republican Whip, you would be wrong.
Representative Paul Ryan?,.....nope.
You can bet your last dollar, no matter how fast inflation is rising, that nobody in Obama's cabinet or any Democrat for that matter said it.....hell, if any Liberal even thought it they would be kicked out of the Socialist party.
This is yet another pearl of wisdom from none other than Thomas Jefferson, 3rd American President, who in his ability to know human nature, as well as with his brothers the other Founding Fathers, have given us a path forward out of this mess of giant Federal Government, uncontrolled spending, massive regulation and an ever increasing choke hold on our unalienable rights.....if we just listen to them, heed their warnings and employ their wisdom.
Burke Quotes,
Founding Fathers,
Thomas Jefferson,
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