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Monday, September 19, 2011

Insight from the Conservative Insider

From the Conservative Insider:  Perry Drives a Wedge Between Two GOP Contenders

During the last Tea Party debate, sponsored by CNN and Tea Party Express was, as our friend Melissa Clouthier stated, a “bloodbath”. She went on, “Everyone got dinged tonight. It was a bloodbath against each other rather than against Obama. Newt is the only one who brings the conversation around to Obama.”
Of most interest to us at ConservativeINSIDER is the dynamic that Rick Perry’s entry into the race has had on the other candidates, notably Mitt Romney and Ron Paul. To our eyes, Perry with his immediate entry as a frontrunner has driven a wedge between the two, pushing Romney to the left and Ron Paul even further towards the fringe. Neither have substantially changed their message or positions, (at least this week, in Romney’s case), but the arrival of Perry has certainly sucked up a lot of support that both candidates were counting on in their path to the nomination.

The early arguments between Romney and Perry centered largely around Perry’s job record in Texas. As in the previous debate, Perry emerged from this encounter on top, and Romney, clearly intent on getting something to stick, ended up looking somewhat shrill and childish.

Romney’s appeal to the soft right of the GOP is under attack. Perry has captured the majority of Mitt’s supporters in the Tea Party wing of the GOP, and we expect him to start making a push for the more moderate voters.

On the right, Perry has moved in on Ron Paul. Paul’s constituency has always been a rather odd one, with his left-wing anti-war supporters and the far right libertarians. His appeal to the grassroots GOP had grown since 2008 as the party moved right on fiscal issues. Perry’s entry has largely taken these supporters from Paul, and left him again on the fringe. Cowboy's Comment: I see Perry as taking support from all Candidates: Business/Economy/Jobs oriented voters from Romney; Tea Party advocates from Bachmann (and Paul); and voters looking for a bonafide leader from Rick Santorium. It remains to be seen if Perry can hold on. He does have a lot of baggage,...different issues that pisses both Conservatives and Liberals off.

It remains to be seen, of course, whether Perry will withstand the pressure he faces going forward. Nonetheless, he is perfectly positioned to take advantage of the Tea Party sentiments in the GOP. With his conservative bona fides and his record in Texas, this primary election seems almost tailor made for him.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Solyandra and Obama's Loan of Taxpayer Money

While Obama is out trying to get support for his tax increasing costly "jobs" bill, the story comes out about Solyandra, solar panel company that received $535 million dollar loan of tax payer money, is declaring bankruptcy leaving tax payers on the hook. This was the same company that Obama visited in the spring of 2010 saying the company was "leading the way toward a brighter and more prosperous future." Actually it was only a month later that Solyandra let 100 employees go and canceled it opening public stock option.

This week FBI agents raided the company and seized boxes of documents. Why is that?

Republicans are accusing Obama and his administration of rocket scientists (I say that facetiously) because this is the same company that the Dept of Energy, under Bush, turned down for a loan because of bad company prospects. And yet Obama gives this less than stellar company a $535 million loan of our money!?!

Now e-mails between White House and Dept of Energy indicate that the Obama Administration may have pressured Dept of Energy to grant the loan so that Obama could show case it in a photo opportunity. Also smelling of political poop is the fact that Billionaire and Obama Campaign contributor George Kaiser was supporting the deal.

It is undeniable that after the sorry deal went through, Obama officials re-financed a bad loan into another bad loan from which Solyandra defaulted on earlier this year. Part of that loan re-financing allowed Solyandra to pay back investors before tax payers as it went bankrupt, and the facts are apparently now that Solyandra was going bankrupt when the re-financing came through. Holy Cow, people get fired for this in the private sector,.....oh I forgot that we get to fire Obama and his motley crew of business misfits in November next year.

What does the White House say about this? Basically Carney, the White House mouth piece and chief propagandist declared in part that...."there is no evidence (to indicate wrong doing on the Administrations part)." The FBI won't say why it raided Solyandra's offices, but the FBI later searched Solyandra executives' homes.

There is an upside to the downside that we will lose the $535 million of tax payers money, and that upside is that the there is a call to do away with Obama's green jobs program. We'll hopefully see an positive outcome over this and hopefully someone will be held accountable,....maybe for the first time in this Administration..... .......but first the obvious question has to answered,...Was it corruption or just incompetence? 

Friday, September 16, 2011

CDC Warning

The Center for Disease Control (CDC) has issued a recent warning about a highly contagious, highly virulent strain of Gonorrhea. This new strain, called Gonorrhea Lectim, is contracted not through the promiscuous behavior but through the dangerous and high risk practice of putting your cranium up your rectum.

Gonorrhea Lectim, pronounced “gonna-re-elect-em” is a terrible obamanation on mankind. With more and more people discovering just how terrible this disease is we are hopefully that this disease which peaked in 2008, is slowly being eradicated. With the introduction of a very promising medicine called votemout, pronounced “vote-em-out”, first used in November 2010, it seems to have slowed this insidious disease. We continue to be hopeful that a second dose, in November 2012, will wipe out this disease from sea to shining sea.