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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Federal Diet

You have heard of the Atkins Diet,..the Longbeach Diet,...the Sicilian Diet, get ready for the Federal Diet.

Watch Will Cain of Glenn Beck TV on Obamacare. He lays out many questions and historical perspective on Obamacare and the issues that will be before the Supreme Court this coming sping. Worth watching to the end where there is a clip on now Supreme Court Judge Elena Kagan's confirmation hearing,....Senator Colburn (R-OK) ask a plain question: "Can the Government force the People to eat certain things everyday." Kagan did not answer because she could not without giving away not only her support for Obamacare, but where her philosophy on big government knowing better for the people.

Amazing and scary times we live in.

For additional reading go to the GBTV site, here, and see the reader comments from this clip.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Recent Top Issues Poll on Yahoo!

What is your top issue this election?
Poll Choice Options

* Education
* Environment
* Foreign Policy
* Health Care
* Immigration
* Income Inequality
* Jobs
* Role of Government
* Standard of Living
* Taxes

While I don't know what the current poll numbers reflect, I do know that most of these issues are related and cannot be separated.

Health Care, or the repeal of the Unconstitutional Obamacare which greatly degrades small businesses, is very necessary to any progress on the economy.

Jobs are linked to the Role of Government and Taxes. To make it simple (for Democrats), the expansing Role of Government taking a higher percentage of with tax payer money to fund that government growth, programs and spending degrades the government's ability to tackle the debt, and the expanding governmental powers going around Congress to develop new and heavy regulations on businesses present massive problems for the economy. Add a higher tax burden then these problems
become insurmountable, not allowing the Economy to rebound.

The Standard of Living are linked to Taxes through the heavy burden of taxation the Government lays on the population,.....okay, some of the population - the working part of the population, after all something like 47% of the population do not pay federal income taxes, leaving the rest of us to support entitlement programs for them. But no complaint here,...they are ENTITLED TO IT.

Income Inequality? What the hell are we going to do about that? Sit around and whine because somebody makes more money than we do? You want injustice? How about a Basketball player making 30 million dollars a year to play a sport, while teachers in some states start off with less than $30K a year? But you know what? I wouldn't change it or try to regulate it. The Free Market using supply and demand will take care of this.

You could say education is linked to immigration: The people who do not understand the need for a secure border to stop illegal immigration are woefully educated. We cannot and should not pay for the education for illegal immigrants. You see,....I use immigration and education together in two different sentences!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Christmas Charity for the Occupy Movement

I over heard a conversation on Talk Show Radio where a caller suggested that if the Occupy Punks,..errr,...excuse me,..... the Occupy Movement continued to do whatever they do through Christmas, then a Christmas Charity Event should be organized for them under the name "Toys For Snots".

What a great idea! We could accept new and re-conditioned toys, after all the Occupiers are mostly a bunch of bratty children, and we could offer several modified versions suitable to their mentality and purpose. Can't you just see a "Monopoly- Anarchists Version"?

How about a Leggo set with the subtitle "Leggo down and sign up for Welfare"? One of my favorites would be the "U Owe Me Elmo"......other characters deeply embedded into the American Psyche could also be slightly changed:  Cookie Monster could become "Welfare Monster",.......Ernie and Miss Piggy set could come with an unemployment application.     

Maybe a blinged out Talking Barbie with several different voice tracks: "The Free Market Sucks!", "Who's Going to Pay for my College Loans?", the "Government Owes Me a Good Job", ...etc.

We could just offer Bratz dolls to all the female occupiers,...after all they are Brats and they think they know better than everyone else,...hence the Big Heads.

For the more simple minded occupiers,...excuse me I am being redundant,....we could just give them Pogo sticks so they can trounce up and down on the Constitution. Another idea would be an Easy Bake Oven, Easy Bake Car, Easy Bake House,....

So why these occupiers sit around playing "spin the Bottle of Perrier", soaking up city money to pay for the extra enforcement, porta potties,...we can be in warehouse making this Christmas something they would never forget! Maybe we could even get George Soros to fund it since he has about funded all Anti-American causes to date.