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Saturday, September 8, 2012

Some More of That's About Right!

This cartoon, being passed around cyber space, is about par for the hypocritical Democrat party.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Democrats Reveal Themselves at DNC

While shamefully ignored by the mainstream (lame stream) media, few sites are announcing this latest telling episode of the Democrats at the Democratic National Convention (DNC) exposing their radical majority.  A couple articles were published generally under a title such as "Amidst Boos And Multiple Votes, DNC Reverses Position And Reinstates Jerusalem",....however the whole story needs to be told.

Actually, this was a vote of the delegates on two amendments to the DNC platform, or what we call the "Socialist Manifesto", to 1 - put the phrase "God-given potential" back into the platform, and 2 - reinstate support for Israel and it's capital of Jerusalem.  This decision was, of course, in response to being called on the carpet by Conservatives for leaving the word "God" out of the party plank. 

What we will see in the video is the image of the DNC that the Dems do not want the regular population to see. Antonio Villaraigosa, the Los Angeles Mayor serving as the DNC Chairman, called for a voice vote to approve the changes to the Democratic platform. Never mind why the word "God" and support for Israel were out of the plank in the first place.

Villaraigosa called the voice vote three times,...yes, three times! Make up your own mind which voice vote, "Ayes" or "No's", was louder. To everyone's surprise, and I do mean EVERYONE, after the third voice vote, the chagrined Villaraigosa stated "In the opinion of the chair, two thirds have voted in the affirmative." This drew large boo's from at least half of the Democrat delegates, many of whom are anti-God, anti-Christian and Anti-Jew. What are they for, you ask?,....well obviously bigger government, more entitlements, abortion rights, and to re-write the history of this nation.  The fact that this country was founded on Christian principles really chaffs their clown asses.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Immigration Enforcement Chief of Staff Resigns

Suzanne Barr, chief of staff to ICE Director John Morton and a senior Obama administration political appointee as well as a longtime aide to Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano resigned this past weekend following allegations of inappropriate sexual behavior from at least three Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) employees.

Barr, who graduated from the University of Arizona in 1995, was among Napolitano's first appointments after she became DHS secretary in 2009. Barr started working for Napolitano in 2004, while Napolitano was governor of Arizona. Barr is accused of sexually inappropriate behavior toward employees. The complaints are related to a sexual discrimination and retaliation lawsuit filed by a senior ICE agent in May.

Cronyism and Nepotism are rampant across the Government, and not just by Democrats. The majority of new hires against the giant unemployment numbers across this country are governmental employees. This just grows the anual deficit and National Debt as government employees, while many of them needed, just do not produce any tangible product. At best they spend their (high) salaries in the local economies.

Ms Barr however did the right thing, resigning from appointed office. Can't say the same about Eric Holder, who ignores blantant violations of the constitution, some of which are committed by his boss President Obama, and only prosecutes when it meets his political agenda. Holder is on record for saying there is no voter fraud in the U.S., and he now looks like a complete ass clown when reports out of North Carolina say there are 25,000 people on the voter rolls who are dead who have been voting.