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Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Facts Checkers Correct Over Stimulus Jobs? No!

After the Vice Presidential debate concluded, fact checkers were all over the place with their opinions on the statements and validity of both Vice President Joe Biden and Congressman Paul Ryan.

However, when the fact checkers use Obama Administration figures to determine the "facts" on what is said by the candidates,.....well, the credibility is reduced to say the least.

When Congressman Ryan said that Obama's stimulus did minimal is anything to help the economy, Fact Checkers came out and rebutted Ryan's comment by saying that Obama's $800+ billion stimulus created 3 million jobs. SO,....instead of rebutting the myth of 3 million jobs being created we'll look at the cost effectiveness of the stimulus,.....

So if we take what the fact checkers say as truth then the $800 billion the Federal Government spent on creating 3 million jobs comes out to $266,666.66 per job. And this is something to be proud of? Are you kidding me? This is why the fiscal competency of the Administration is non-existant and the faith ofthe American people have bottomed out.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Libya Debacle: Cover Up or Incompetence?

Cartoons come from perspective,.sometimes wrong sometimes just a populat idea. In the case of cartoons, or political commentary on the Obama Administration's lying about the Libyan terrorist attack, hoping that it would be lost on the screen until after the elections. Now we have the news that within 24 hours of the deadly attack, the CIA station chief in Libya reported to Washington that there were eyewitness reports that the attack was carried out by militants. And we have yet to get any sort of explanation on why, for weeks, the Obama administration blamed it on an out-of-control demonstration over an American-made video ridiculing Islam's Prophet Muhammad.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Good News for Romney

....and indeed the Nation as reports come out from all over the country that Romney is taking the lead in National polls and well as some of the battleground states:

From a internet based poll with 4,582 votes, Obama has 43% while Romney 57%.

A National Constitution Center projected electoral vote count places Romney at a 206 to 201 advantage. Of course it takes 270 electoral votes to win the election, but the good news is that Romney prevously was tallied at around 160 and Obama supposedly had 250 electoral votes locked up. So that basically leaves 131 electoral votes up for grabs, at least by Real Clear Politics’ count.

SO, why has the presidential race changed so dramatically? According to Newt Gingrich the change in polling results, attitudes, and news media coverage in the last three weeks has been as decisive as any campaign in his lifetime, and this is mostly due to the first debate between Obama and Romney where Romney absolutely stomped the President.

And this change has to also be impacted, positively for the Republicans, due to the Vice Presidential debate where Ryan did better than Biden, according to the fair polls, and also due to Romney beating Obama on the second debate.

Another factor is that the American people got to see Romney and their observations refutted the character deflammation conducted by Obama and the Democrats. For the first time in over a year I am thinking there is hope for this country.