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Sunday, December 2, 2012

Labor Unions Destroying Businesses

Mychal Massie and the Daily Rant on Unions, specifically the Hostess (Twinkee) case. I was wondering just how thankful members of the Bakery, Confectionary, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers International Union were this past Thanksgiving. Specifically those formerly employed by Hostess.

The brilliant job of guidance and concern the union provided and showed for the Hostess workers has to stand as one of their pivotal achievements. Their example of negotiation was a stellar example of the reason the members had paid their dues for so many years. Given the choice of accepting the concessions requested by Hostess and keeping their jobs, the union ordered the workers to strike. The union's idea being that they would show those evil owners who had explained that the concessions were necessary because their liabilities were 2.5 greater than their assets.

Of course, I'm being facetious. My point is that the union people will suffer because of the action Hostess was forced to take because of the union bosses.

Union president, Frank Hurt, may have opined that "Hostess Brands is making a mockery of the labor relations system that has been in place for nearly 100 years." But as Hostess CEO Gregory F. Rayburn pointed out the arithmetic speaks for itself saying: "We simply do not have the financial resources to survive an ongoing national strike."

Thus, Hostess is scheduled to close its doors, and the inflexible union employees found their Thanksgiving a somber event. Their Christmas will not be any better. It's reasonably uncertain that they will receive their first unemployment check by Christmas. But their union president will suffer no such concerns.

This should be a grime reminder to Walmart employees who have been under assault to become unionized for at least several years. And it should certainly be a reminder to other union members that businesses cannot continue to yield to every union demand. It should also give workers cause to question not only why they need union representation but also to consider why unions are even needed.

Meritorious pay raises, reasonable participation in health co-pays, the number of vacation and sick days, can be worked out without union gangsters and thugs using threats and intimidation. Union protests may make for good theater on the evening news, but it doesn't help companies like Hostess stay in business.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Humor - Mohammed Changes his Name

~ Warning:  this is not Politically Correct, if we care.  Thanks Wayne ~

Mohammad entered his classroom on the first day of school.

"What's your name?" asked the teacher.

"Mohammad," he replied.

"You're in Australia now," replied the teacher, "So from now on you will be known as Kevin." Mohammad returned home after school.

"How was your day, Mohammad?" his mother asked.

"My name is not Mohammad. I'm in Australia and now my name is Kevin."

"Are you ashamed of your name? Are you trying to dishonor your parents, your heritage, your religion? Shame on you!" And his mother beat him. Then she called his father, who beat him again.

The next day Mohammad returned to school. The teacher saw all of his bruises. "What happened to you, Kevin?? she asked.

"Well miss, shortly after becoming an Australian, I was attacked by two f*$%king Arabs."

Friday, November 30, 2012

Government Assault on Religious Liberties

Letter from Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc. CEO and founder, David Green:

When my family and I started our company 40 years ago, we were working out of a garage on a $600 bank loan, assembling miniature picture frames. Our first retail store wasn't much bigger than most people's living rooms, but we had faith that we would succeed if we lived and worked according to God's word. From there, Hobby Lobby has become one of the nation's largest arts and crafts retailers, with more than 500 locations in 41 states. Our children grew up into fine business leaders, and today we run Hobby Lobby together, as a family.

We're Christians, and we run our business on Christian principles. I've always said that the first two goals of our business are (1) to run our business in harmony with God's laws, and (2) to focus on people more than money. And that's what we've tried to do. We close early so our employees can see their families at night. We keep our stores closed on Sundays, one of the week's biggest shopping days, so that our workers and their families can enjoy a day of rest. We believe that it is by God's grace that Hobby Lobby has endured, and he has blessed us and our employees.

We've not only added jobs in a weak economy, we've raised wages for the past four years in a row. Our full-time employees start at 80% above minimum wage. But now, our government threatens to change all of that. A new government healthcare mandate says that our family business MUST provide what I believe are abortion-causing drugs as part of our health insurance. Being Christians, we don't pay for drugs that might cause abortions, which means that we don't cover emergency contraception, the morning-after pill or the week-after pill.

We believe doing so might end a life after the moment of conception, something that is contrary to our most important beliefs. It goes against the Biblical principles on which we have run this company since day one. If we refuse to comply, we could face $1.3 million PER DAY in government fines.

Our government threatens to fine job creators in a bad economy.

Our government threatens to fine a company that's raised wages four years running.

Our government threatens to fine a family for running its business according to its beliefs.

It's not right. I know people will say we ought to follow the rules; that it's the same for everybody. Yet that's not true.

The government has exempted thousands of companies from this mandate, for reasons of convenience or cost. Yet it won't exempt them for reasons of proven religious beliefs.

So, Hobby Lobby and my family are forced to make a choice. With great reluctance, we filed a lawsuit today, represented by the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty, asking a federal court to stop this mandate before it hurts our business. We don't like to go running into court, but we no longer have a choice. We believe people are more important than the bottom line and that honoring God is more important than turning a profit.

My family has lived the American dream. We want to continue growing our company and providing great jobs for thousands of employees, but the government is going to make that much more difficult. The government is forcing us to choose between following our faith and following the law. I say that's a choice no American and no American business should have to make.

The government cannot force you to follow laws that go against your fundamental religious belief. They have exempted thousands of companies but will not except Christian organizations including the Catholic church.

Since you will not see this covered in any of the liberal media, please pass this on to all your contacts.


David Green, CEO and Founder of Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc.