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Saturday, July 10, 2010

Common Sense of Range Magazine - Keeping Track of the Radical Environmentalists

I am a avid reader of Range Magazine, not just because it showcases the ranching and self sustaining western lifestyle, cowboy logic and horse sense, but it also brings to focus political issues such as the liberal political assault on our freedoms, radical environmentalist driven restrictions on land use, as well as the radical and unfounded babble about climate change.

In the latest edition of Range Magazine, Summer 2010, the editors expose plans by the USDA to further reduce this country's ability to feed itself. We used to build things for the world as well as feed them, now we rely on foreign countries, mostly China, to build our products and a host of other countries to feed us.

Here is a quote by Bob Stallman, American Farm Bureau on "Hoosier Ag Today", with Gary Truitt, January 11, 2010:

"At the very time that we need to increase our food production, climate-change legislation (note: Obama's deathly Cap and Trade Bill) threatens to slash our ability to do so. The USDA is suggesting the number of acres of land that would shift from crops to trees with that legislation could be 59 million acres. That number of acres equates to setting aside every crop production acre in Indiana, California, Kentucky, Mississippi, Nebraska, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Tennessee."

Make no mistake about it,...the radical left agrenda is to destroy this country. They say it themselves:

"We must make this an inseucre and inhospitable place for capitalists and their projects. We must reclaim the roads and plowed land, halt dam construction, tear down existing dams, free shackled rivers and return to wilderness, millions of acres of presently settled land." - David Foreman (1947- ), co-founder of EarthFirst?

Not convinced?,....

"Isn't the only hope for the planet that the industrailized civilizations collapse? Isn't it our responsibility to bring that about?" - Maurice Strong (1929 - ), founder of the United Nations Environment Programme.

The Obama-Pelosi-Reid plan to jam Cap and Trade down our throats will be a deathnell to this country.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Join or Die

Join Or Die - Ben Franklin and the Albany Congress. In 1754, Britain and France were struggling for control over portions of North America. In the face of a looming war that would play out, in part, on American soil, Franklin proposed a plan that would unite the colonial governments into a single federal council. In his Albany Plan, Franklin held that the colonies, by acting with one united voice, could more effectively fend off threatened attacks by the French and their Native American allies. Both the colonists and the British Crown rejected Franklin’s plan because it encroached on their respective powers, but the Albany Plan remains important as one of the first documented efforts to unite the colonies.

I am posting the Join or Die Flag to serve as a graphic reminder that we have to join,.....join something,.....join a local tea party movement,....joint the National Rifle Association,......join your fellow citizens at local City or County Representatives or council meeting. Get involved.

We have got to get this Country turned around. We can only do that through massive involvement. Draw a Liberty Bell on each Friday of your calendar to remind you to do something. Call your Congressman. E-mail your Senator even if he/she is an idiot or a thug. Sign petitions,...hell, start a petition.....start a blog, something, get involved! Join or Die, this Country is in danger!

You can purchase a "Join or Die" flag or any other historical flag. Go to this web site: Gadsden and Culpeper.

Yet Another Radical in the Obama Administration.

President Obama did it again, waiting until Congress was out of session to install Don Berwick as the man to run Medicare and Medicaid, and, be in charge of the latest albatross around the American people's necks,......Obamacare.

With Berwick we get the man who called for re-distribution of wealth from the wealthy to the poor to pay for health care...his words, to the effect: "We MUST redistribute wealth to pay for the health care of the poor."

Berwick is also known for standing up for the rationing of healthcare and his blind love fest with the British health care system,....which even the most stupid of us know, is ridiculously screwed up.

While Obama's recess appointment is a legitimate tactic since Presidents would have a very tough time filling posts due to the time (and bribery) it takes to get an appointment through Congress. But Obama had no right to install a man as polarizing, and a man who values are so far away from mainstream America. Obama makes mistake after mistake showing the American people that his far left wing agenda is much more important to him that the will and rights of the People.

Poor old Monkey-face Gibbs, the President's Press Secretary, looking like a Buffoon side stepping questions on this appointment, even from the liberal media, on this absolute anti-American appointment. Guess what Gibbs did? Re-directed the question to a non-functioning answer about who?, guessed it,..George Bush, must be his fault,.....again.