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Friday, September 24, 2010

KANSAS: Support Gun Rights - Vote on November 2nd

From the National Rifle Association (NRA) Legislative e-mail alerts:

Vote YES on 1 November 2nd! A 1905 ruling from the Kansas Supreme Court interpreted Section 4 of the Kansas Constitution to mean that the Right to Keep and Bear Arms only exists as a collective right for those in the militia or military and no individual right exists.

For that reason, the NRA has worked with the Kansas State Rifle Association, Senator Mike Petersen and the legislature, to pass a Constitutional Amendment during the 2009 legislative session, which provides new language that clarifies Section 4 and guarantees an individual Right to Keep and Bear Arms. The language reads: "A person has the right to keep and bear arms for the defense of self, family, home and state, for lawful hunting and recreational use, and for any other lawful purpose."

Our elected officials have done law-abiding Kansans a tremendous service by passing this landmark Constitutional Amendment. Now it is up to YOU to do your part on November 2, 2010 and vote this provision into the Kansas Constitution.

Paid for by the National Rifle Association. Join the NRA!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Sept 23, 1779 - this Day in History

The very best man I know told me “Hard Times Don’t Last, But Hard Men Do”.

One of the very first of many examples of the uniquely American concept of “Never Say Die”, or “Never Quit” attitude occurred 23 September 1779, exactly 231 years ago today, when John Paul Jones’ Squadron of the fledging American Navy met a merchant convoy off the coast of England protected by the 50 gun British warship HMS Serapis.

Early into the three hour battle, Jones’ ship, the Bonhomme Richard, was getting the short end of the stick being outgunned by the Brits. Jones’ locked the Richard together with the Serapis and things still appeared dire for the Americans. British cannons firing at close range setting the wooden timbered hull of the Richard on fire. The Brits asked Jones to surrender and his reply, from the deck of the Richard into the history books, was “I have not yet begun to fight”.

Jones’ crew repelled a Brit attempt to board, and was able to throw a grenade into the lower deck of the Serapis causing a giant explosion and turning the tide of the battle allowing Jones’ crew to board the Serapis and cause the British Commander (Captain Pearson) to surrender. Good thing he did as the Richard soon sank afterwards.

The example of John Paul Jones and many other Americans since, known and unknown, bring us to today where the need to re-kindle the American spirit of not giving up and not giving in and solve the seemingly over whelming problems we have today with Government run amok; giant national debt which our grandchildren will inherit; an economy rapidly doing down hill and a population comprised of generations who have no idea what it is pay their dues and little knowledge of what our forefathers, from General Washington to General Eisenhower, did to ensure this Country’s greatness.

Today, say to yourself, “I have not yet begun to fight”,… to your family and friends,…hell talk to strangers too!,… about the direction this country is going and the obvious results unless we, the People, take charge and vote these buffoons out of office.

White House Economic Team - Rats Leaving the Sinking Ship

White House Rats leaving the sinking ship,….first Peter Orszag – Chief Council for Economic Issues, then Christina Romer - Council of Economic Advisers Chair, and now Lawrence Summers – Director for the National Economic Council,…sounds like the rats leaving the sinking ship.

Yahoo! News reports:

The White House said Tuesday that Lawrence Summers, director of the National Economic Council, would leave at the end of the year to return to Harvard University . Though administration officials said Obama had known for some time that Summers would depart this year, news of his pending exit comes amid deep concern over the sluggish pace of the recovery, as well as criticism of the team that conceived the administration's economic policies.

Obama has already lost two other high-level economic advisers: budget director Peter Orszag and the chief of the Council of Economic Advisers, Christina Romer, both of whom resigned this summer. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner would be the only one of Obama's top-tier economic advisers to remain with the administration, should he stay through the end of the year.

Fox News reported that the White house was looking to fill Summers’ position with a women with a background in business. Really?? It's about time.

By the Numbers:

57% of President Eisenhower’s staff worked in the private business sector before being appointed to cabinet posts.

56% of President Reagan’s staff worked in the private business sector before being appointed to cabinet posts.

39% of President Clinton’s staff worked in the private business sector before being appointed to cabinet posts.

55% of President G.W. Bush’s staff worked in the private business sector before being appointed to cabinet posts.

8% of President Obama’s staff have worked in the private business sector before being appointed to cabinet posts.


92% of President Obama’s cabinets appointees who have NEVER worked in the private sector businesses, only in government, academia or non-profit jobs,….can anybody say “Community Organizing?”