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Thursday, March 31, 2011

More Wisdom from Thomas Sewell

Thomas Sewell is a senior fellow at the Hoover Institute and author of The Housing Boom and Bust. He has columns appearing in several local papers.

Random thoughts on the passing scene:

They say that records are made to be broken. President George W. Bush set a record by adding $3.2 trillion to the national debt over the course of his eight years in office. But Barack Obama has already beaten that record with $4.4 trillion in just his first three years in office.

Cowboy's note: This gives lie to Vice-Pres Biden's allegations that the Dem's inherited the national debt.

People who thoughtlessly give money to panhandlers on the street seem not to realize that this is making installment payments on the degeneration of America .

Don't mention "municipal golf courses" to me. It sends my blood pressure up through the roof. What earthly excuse is there for spending the taxpayers' money subsidizing a golf course? Politicians can't even invoke "the poor," as they do when trying to justify other government boondoggles.

The vocabulary of the political left is fascinating. For example, it is considered to be "materialistic" and "greedy" to want to keep what you have earned. But it is "idealistic" to want to take away what someone else has earned and spend it for your own political benefit or to feel good about yourself.

Lou Gehrig was probably the greatest clutch hitter of all time. Although his career was cut short by the disease that bears his name, in 7 of his 14 full seasons he had over 150 runs batted in. (Babe Ruth was second with 5 seasons.) And Gehrig still holds the career record for home runs with the bases loaded (Grand Slams).

Economists are often asked to predict what the economy is going to do. But economic predictions require predicting what politicians are going to do-- and nothing is more unpredictable.

Cowboy's note: Here I have to disagree with Mr. Sewell. Predicting politicians' actions, some of them anyway, can be as simply as looking at the range of human motives: greed, power - status, jealously and revenge. Seems to fit the list of national idiots: Barney Frank, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, etc.

An e-mail from a perceptive reader points out that, although Congressional "earmarks" represent a very small part of federal spending, they can be used as bribes to buy the votes of members of Congress on bills involving the spending of vastly larger sums of the taxpayers' money.

When political commentators from the Fox News Channel had books whose sales would normally make the New York Times' non-fiction best-seller list, the New York Times changed the rules for putting books on that list. Thus best-selling political books by Mike Huckabee and Dick Morris appeared last Sunday on a more obscure list of miscellaneous personal advice and how-to books, such as "Weight Watchers New Complete Cookbook."

When the Federal Reserve cites statistics to claim that there is not much evidence of inflation, we need to keep in mind that the statistics they rely on exclude food and energy prices. The cost of living is no sweat if you can do without electricity and food.

Even if it could be proved that judges who are making rulings that go counter to the written law produce better results in those particular cases than following the letter of the law would have, that does not make society better off. When laws become unreliable and judges unpredictable, lawsuits become a bonanza for charlatans, who can force honest people to settle out of court, for fear of what some judge might do.

Cowboy's note: Like the Judge who ordered a stay to Wisconsin Governor Walker's new law on collective bargaining rights....the same Judge (Maryann Sumi) who not only has ties to the unions (her son or sons) and who also commented about the strength of the union's argument against the Wisconsin law before the arguments are heard!!

The mainstream media never expressed half the outrage about Mao Zedong as they did about Ronald Reagan. Yet, when it came to killing millions of innocent civilians, even Hitler was an amateur compared to Mao.

Cowboy's note: And this is surprising given the leftist media love affair with Iranian madman Ahmedinejad, Hugo Chavez and others?

The Obama administration seems to be following what might be called "the Detroit pattern"-- increasing taxes, harassing businesses, and pandering to unions. In the short run, it got mayors re-elected. In the long-run, it reduced Detroit from a thriving city to an economic disaster area, whose population was cut in half, as its most productive citizens fled.

Cowboy's note: Detriot is experiencing mass migration from the city. Half of the schools are empty.

Safety advocates who say that we shouldn't take chances, but should ban things that might be unsafe, don't seem to understand that if we banned every food to which somebody had an allergy we could all starve to death.

The vile people who picket the funerals of American soldiers killed in action are far away enough from the mourners not to be heard. It is media attention that magnifies their sick message.

Intolerance may not promote progress but it can promote survival. An intolerant Islamic world may outlast the Western world that seems ready to tolerate anything, including the undermining of its own fundamental values and threats to its continued existence.

Cowboy’s note: For more on Thomas Sewell, please visit his website.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

This Week in You Cut - March 29th, 2011

Help change the Spending Culture in Washington. Vote for You Cut. If you go to the website and vote on a cut, you will be registered to receive weekly notices for You Cut. Least of all we can all do this to participate in changing the culture of spend and borrow. At this point in time, I am voting for whatever cuts the most pork.....after all we're paying for it!

Reduce printing and reproduction budget by 10%

$180 million in savings through FY16
The Department of Defense (DOD) proposes to spend $357 million on printing and reproduction services in fiscal year 2012 (FY12). While paper copies are often necessary for mission accomplishment, DOD should be encouraged to reduce spending on high quality, glossy color prints (such as the ones accompanying the FY12 budget rollout and other reports and briefings to Congress). Favoring a plain, black and white copy that uses both sides of the paper can still get the job done, and with emergent technologies such as electronic documentation the Department should be encouraged to process information without the use of paper printing and reproduction. A mere 10% reduction to this one account would generate $35.7 million in savings in FY12, reaching nearly $180 million in savings through FY16.

Reduce funding for Defense studies, analysis and evaluations

$120 million to the treasury through FY16
Defense Secretary Robert Gates has emphasized the need to fund the core mission of the Department, realigning dollars from non-essential cost areas to areas of direct mission support. One of those areas which does not provide direct support are the multiple requirements associated with studies, analysis and evaluations. Secretary Gates has implemented an initiative to eliminate unnecessary Defense boards and study groups, and this reduction would support the Secretary’s position to reduce unnecessary costs. A 10% reduction to this account would generate a savings of $24 million in FY12, returning up to $120 million to the treasury through FY16.

Restrict payout of annual nationwide adjustment and locality pay for below satisfactory workers

$80 million through FY16
Currently, all federal workers, no matter how they are rated on their performance, annually receive the January nationwide adjustment. Department of Defense (DOD) workers who are rated as “below satisfactory” still receive an increase in salary despite the fact that they are under performing. An incentive is necessary to entice these unsatisfactory personnel to increase their job performance. This proposal would prohibit payment of nationwide adjustments to any defense civilians rated at below satisfactory (estimated to be about 2% of DOD's over 700,000 workforce), generating approximately $21 million in savings while increasing productivity in the workforce. As employees become more satisfactory in future years, the savings would be approximately $80 million through FY16.

Monday, March 28, 2011

James Madison's wisdom - 213 Years Later

An e-mail blasting laws that congress makes for the people then exempts themselves for as been making the rounds, least the rounds of conservative readers. It states something to this effect:

Children of congress members do not have to pay back their college student loans. Staffers of Congress family members are exempt from having to pay back student loans as well.

Many citizens had no idea that members of Congress could retire with the same pay after only one term, that they specifically exempted themselves from many of the laws they have passed (such as being exempt from any fear of prosecution for sexual harassment) while ordinary citizens must live under those laws. The latest is to exempt themselves from the Healthcare Reform... in all of its forms.

What is interesting is that James Madison, 1751-1836 and 4th President of the United States, warned us about this the Federalist No. 57, 1788:

"The house of representatives can make no law which will not have its full operation on themselves and their friends, as well as the great mass of society. This had always been deemed one of the strongest bonds by which human policy can connect the rulers and the people together. It creates between them that communion of interest, and sympathy of sentiments, of which few governments have furnished examples; but without which every government degenerates into tyranny.