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Saturday, June 8, 2013

California Senate Passes Seven Anti-Gun Bills

California is the latest state to violate the Constitution. This latest effort should increase the rate of Americans leaving California a great deal.

California Legislature Prepares To Track Ammo Buyers With Forced Background Checks is a story by Ben Bullard posted on

The California State Senate passed seven gun-control bills Wednesday, tightening the leash on gun owners in a State already entrenched in an ongoing, liberal-led subversion of its residents’ 2nd Amendment powers.

The bills aren’t yet law, since their Senate approval now moves them before the State Assembly. But if they do become law under Governor Jerry Brown, owning firearms in California will almost inevitably become a burden instead of a Constitutionally protected right.

Probably the most outrageous aspect of the new gun grab is SB 53, a bill that will require background checks (and, of course, a registry that tracks who passes and who fails) in order to issue permits to gun owners who plan to buy ammunition. Oh, and they’ll pay $50 to the State.

But the ammo-control bill is just the ugliest of the California gun grab’s many faces:

■ SB 567 will change the definition of certain types of shotgun so that they can be classified as “assault weapons.”

■ SB 374 will ban detachable rifle magazines.

■ SB 396 makes it a crime to own or sell magazines that hold more than 10 rounds.

■ SB 755 will ban former alcoholics and drug addicts from owning a gun — for 10 years.

For a rundown of all the bills the California Senate passed Wednesday, visit the Sacramento Bee’s summary page. For context on how the various bills will affect California gun owners, read the breakdown on

At first glance, about the only defensible piece of legislation that made it through the Senate is a bill requiring all first-time gun buyers to take a firearm safety class and earn a certificate demonstrating they’ve passed the course. Then again, a strict interpretation of the 2nd Amendment’s provision that the right to bear arms “shall not be infringed” would seem to exclude it.

But nuances like that matter little in the face of such a multifaceted attack on gun owners. As far gone as the California gun grab is, no one’s preoccupied with the least offensive bill among a glut of stinkers.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Major Ass Clowns

These recent quotes came out on Inspire - the publication of Islamic Terrorists:

Richard A. Falk (aka the Focker), UN Special Rapporteur (on Press TV): "There is a lot of anger at the way the United States uses its power in the world, and that those to whom evil is done do evil in return. And that is important for the people of United States to use this occasion to examine themselves, what I call self scrutiny, to look at what we are doing to others in order to find a way toward a more secured and humane world."

Abdurra Zaq Aljamal "Al Butt Clown", Yemeni journalist - Expert in AQAP Affairs (on twitter): "America violates sovereignty of nations. They carry out Extrajudicial killings. Above that, they exploit children in their lowly intelligence services. Then people talk about America as a state of law. America recruits children below the age of ten. They did this in the targeting of Sheikh Adnan Al-Qadhy."

Noam "Chumpsky" Chomsky, American historian and activist (on Alternet): "The Boston Bombings gave americans a taste of the terrorism the US inflicts abroad every day. . . It's rare for privileged Westerners to see, graphically, what many others experience daily."

James R. ("STD") Clapper, Did this guy just eat a lemon or what? Director of National Intelligence (on Worldwide Threat Assessment): "Attacks on US soil will remain part of AQAP’s transnational strategy; the group continues to adjust its tactics, techniques and procedures for targeting the West. Al-Qa’ida-inspired HVEs will be motivated to engage in violent action by global jihadist propaganda, including English-language material, such as AQAP’s Inspire magazine; events in the United States or abroad perceived as threatening to Muslims; the perceived success of other HVE plots, such as the November 2009 attack at Fort Hood, Texas, and the March 2012 attacks by an al-Qa’ida-inspired extremist in Toulouse, France."

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Julie Borowski: “The Obama Administration, You Can’t Be Serious”

Julie Borowski, perhaps best known as the TokenLibertarianGirl, is out with a new video this week addressing the three scandals — IRS discrimination of conservative groups, the DOJ’s targeting of the media, and Benghazi — that have plagued the Obama Administration over the last few weeks.

Borowski scoffs at the notion of Attorney General Eric Holder investigating himself over the Justice Department’s scandals concerning the targeting of the Associated Press and James Rosen. “I’m sure that’s gonna be a very fair investigation of himself,” says Borowski, with a truckload of sarcasm. She also touched on the situation in Syria and explained how terrible of an idea it is to fund rebels connected to al-Qaeda.

Watch it and give Borowski a follow on Twitter and/or “like” her Facebook page: