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Monday, August 5, 2013

Wasserman Schutz - One Way Player

WH ‘absolutely outraged’ Wasserman Schultz using DNC for own ambitions c-for-own-ambitions-80924

U.S. Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz hasn’t spent the last 18 months as the head of the Democratic National Committee just for the good of the Party. It appears she plans to use the experience, and the Rolodex, for her own ambitions – and not everyone is happy about it.

The congresswoman will use the DNC’s donor network to expand her political operation, so she can “double” the money she gives to Democrats in the House, Senate and state capitals around the country, according to Politico.

While House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi has been the top House Democratic fundraiser, Minority Whip Steny Hoyer is perceived as the heir apparent when she steps aside. But Wasserman Schultz’s political team explicitly said her goal this cycle is to match Hoyer’s contributions to candidates — $2.5 million —positioning her to be a player.

“I don’t really do anything halfway,” Wasserman Schultz told Politico in an interview at DNC headquarters. “We thought with the higher profile I have at the DNC, and the donor relationships I’ve been able to build — and thankfully, a lot of people who want to help me be successful, because we share the same goals. We kind of put the leadership PAC on steroids. That’s the best way to describe it.”

Wasserman Schultz did not give specifics about her plans, and wouldn’t rule out running for leadership, governor or senator.

“So far, the people of the 23rd Congressional District still continue to want me to represent them, and I don’t have any immediate plans to run for statewide office,” she told Politico. “But I can’t tell you I would never run for statewide office.”

But not everyone is happy about her ambition, and one senior Democratic source said the White House was “absolutely outraged” by Wasserman Schultz’s comments in Politico, according to BuzzFeed.

“This is unbelievable. So much for supporting the president or electing Democrats,” a top Democratic political adviser told BuzzFeed. “She was honest that this is about her.”

A DNC official defended Wasserman Schultz, referring to her travel schedule and plans to stump for Democratic candidates like Terry McAuliffe in Virginia, as proof she is still focused on the national scene.

Assault on the First Amendment

Great writeup on yet another assault on the Constitution and our God given rights which are only verified by the Constitution. Thanks to Lee Camp and the Huffington Post for their article titled: Anti-Protest Law Passes Nearly Unanimously And Is Signed By The President.

So I have some great news folks! The Republicans and the Democrats in Congress and the White House FINALLY came together and agreed on something. This is HUGE. These guys disagree on EVERYTHING! Getting them to see eye-to-eye is like getting the Jews and the Palestinians to do a trust fall together. Or getting Eskimos and polar bears to play Jenga.

I'm referring to the bill H.R. 347 that was signed by President Obama the other day, passed unanimously in the Senate, and 388-3 in the House. That's nearly EVERY SINGLE lawmaker. The last time they agreed that closely on something, it was a bill raising monthly Congressional pay to include a box of Ding Dongs, two erotic cakes featuring Bonanza star Pernell Roberts, and a gentle yet inquisitive prostate exam every Tuesday.

What did this magical universally-loved bill say? Well some are calling it the anti-Occupy law and it allows the government to bring charges against Americans involved in many kinds of political protest at any location the secret service, quote, "is or will be temporarily visiting." So basically if the government wants to shut down a protest, they just send a secret service officer down there to scratch his balls, and then they can start putting people in jail for a year or more.

This is all lovely except for that bitchy bothersome document, the Constitution. I believe somewhere in the back it says, "Congress shall make no law . . . abridging the freedom of speech . . . or the right of the people peaceably to assemble." Aw shit! That musta sucked when Congress found that out! To get that close to passing it and then shot down? It musta been like getting hired to rub baby oil on the contestants of Miss Universe before the bathing suit portion of the competition and then losing your hands in a freak exploding cell phone accident! So when Congress heard about that first amendment they musta been like, "God damnit! That really f**ks up all our plans. That f**king line in the Constitution says not to do EXACTLY what we just did." That's what they must've said, right? ... They didn't just pass it anyway ... Right?

But the bill doesn't stop there. I mean, when you have the entirety of Congress with the exception of Ron Paul agreeing on something, why not swing for the fences? The bill also says it could be a federal crime to protest near an event of, quote, "national significance." Well, that's not vague at all. So you could be convicted of a federal crime and locked away for a year or more for the following things:

1) Marching outside the Democratic or Republican National Conventions

2) Yelling "C**k-face corporate whore" outside a barber shop where Mitt Romney is getting his ear hair trimmed.

3) Marching in front of the entrance of the New York Stock Exchange.

4) Sprinkling magic homosexual glitter on Rick Santorum, or even anyone near Rick Santorum, or even just making fun of his stupid sweater vest!

5) Going to the gates of the White House and demanding the President read the Constitution. ...You know, if he gets a chance.

Well, Congress gets to stomp on the Bill of Rights, I want to do it too. I want to bring back cruel and unusual punishment, and then we could demand that every man or woman who voted for the Anti-Protest Law or signed it from the Oval Office be tied up in the town square naked for a week while everyone gets to throw fire ants and bumble bees at their naughty parts. Deal??

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Chicago About to Blow Up

This came to me in an e-mail. While I would understand if someone thought the following piece had a racist bent, but there is no denying the fact that many liberal groups attempt to diversify the racial makeup of organizations as a primary goal without considering the effectiveness or mission of that organization. I have always thought that the best person for a particular position should be chosen, whether that person is male or female, black, white, orange, pink or whatever color of that person's skin. There are disavantages for minority groups as far as primary educational opportunities, but quotas on race won't fix that. I am an advocate of economic conditions replacing racial quotas. This will remove the status or stigma that minority or racial makeup automatically placing you at a disavantage. Anyway, the following letter from a retired cop laments the fact the political correctness and a governmental heavy hand has been and is attempting to correct "social injustice" to the detriment of all.

TO: Anyone who will listen
FROM: A retired old cop

Chicago, formerly America's Second City a once proud bastion of American capitalism. Now, after years of liberal Democrat rule, we have a city in rapid decline, soon to enter into bankruptcy. Chicago will become Detroit west.

Now some home truths from a former Chicago cop.

That was the score 4th of July (2013) weekend in Chicago. 86 shot (actually puncture wounds) 12 dead, Chicago stopped counting graze wounds and only counts actual bullet holes now, you don't count if you get your nose or ear shot off. Chicago is also a city three quarters of which is unsafe to walk in. The thug and gang infested South, West and East sides are expanding like a cancer, while the few remaining safe neighborhoods are shrinking annually due, largely in part, to scattered site housing.

This is the crowning achievement of our politicians and the social engineers, who long ago decided that big, bad, brutish policemen were no longer needed. So, it came to pass that, in the '70s, they started allowing females onto the department. That did away with height and strength requirements. They then decided that the correct rainbow of colors was needed. To accomplish this, they lowered the aptitude tests and created quotas. That did away with intelligence and integrity requirements. Of course, gays could not be excluded, either. The ideal candidate for promotion became a black transvestite with a Spanish surname.

Our weapons were next on their agenda. Blackjacks, sap gloves and the like were banned. Our shotguns were moved from the front seat to the trunk, from the trunk to the radio room and, from there, just disappeared. New ammunition was issued, which was so inadequate it would ricochet off of car windshields. And God help you if you hit someone with your flashlight.

Finally, the politicians got rid of the real Policemen. The old dinosaurs were lured into early retirements and replaced with internal affairs weenies and gays with a decent sprinkling of color. The brutish "Old Clancy" stereotype was laid to rest and replaced by "Officers Ken and Barbie." The end result is a department that is befuddled, cow towed, hamstrung, weak and totally not feared by the thugs and gang bangers, but oh so politically correct.

The City has succeeded in ridding itself of the brutish dinosaur cops of old and has replaced them with little girls and college yuppies who wouldn't know a bad guy if he shit in their face. They have invented new politically correct terms like Wilding and Flash Mobs to describe black Mob Violence, which is rapidly spreading into the once "Safe Zones" of Michigan Avenue, River North and Wrigleyville.

After you have been shot, raped or robbed, Officers Ken and Barbie will arrive and write a most excellent report with perfect grammar and punctuation, which will be fed into a state of the art computer, which will crunch and manipulate the numbers precisely. Me, I long for the old days when Clancy crunched and manipulated the thugs before I became the next victim.

All of this in the most corrupt city, most corrupt county, most corrupt state in the country, whose political leaders zealously and vehemently fight to impose the most restrictive gun control legislation in the nation. If you believe Officers Ken and Barbie are going to protect you and yours, you had better get your head out of your butt and smell the coffee. Old Clancy is retired. It's now up to you to protect yourself.

Rejoice, oh liberals. You have gotten exactly what you wanted. Hope you enjoy it! Sincerely, a retired "old-school" Chicago cop