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Friday, June 11, 2010

Message From Congressman Ron Paul (TX- R)

Big Government took a huge leap forward recently. And you and I will suffer the consequences unless we take action today.

You see, the statists look for every opportunity to gain more power over our lives, and they found another one in the recently passed ObamaCare scheme.

It is a huge step toward a full takeover of our personal medical decisions, as well as a massive tax increase and a huge loss of liberty. It will also cause further destruction to our already-fragile economy.

I’m not going to let this happen without a fight.

A fight to the end.

That’s why I’ve introduced H.R. 4995, my END THE MANDATE Act, to eliminate the mandate requiring Americans to carry government-approved health insurance.

I’m asking you to join the battle today. Please read the below message from Campaign for Liberty President John Tate.

Campaign for Liberty has a great plan to help me win this fight, but they are going to need every Patriot in our Revolution to join them.

I trust you’ll find this plan worthy of your time and support.

In Liberty,

Congressman Ron Paul

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