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Showing posts with label Doctor Benjamin Carson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Doctor Benjamin Carson. Show all posts

Monday, February 11, 2013

Dr. Carson's Speech - Captivating America

The whole Nation is abuzz with Dr. Benjamin Carson's speech at the National Prayer Breakfast with Obama in attendance. The good Doctor, actually the Director of Pediatric Neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins Hospital, railed against political correctness, about fiscal irresponsibility, about taxation, and host of other issues including his passion for education.

Dr. Carson's creds are over whelming,..I will not take up the reader's time going over them except to say that he is a published author both in the medical field and non-fiction. He and his wife are philantrophists giving scholarships to deserving kids; he is a widely respected surgeon and did all of this growing up in poverty where he learned the importance of education and self responsibility.

I have no idea on Dr. Carson's political affilations or voting record, but he has to be a burr under Obama's saddle as a successful, capitalistic, self responsibility touting black man is opposite of what Obama is and what Obama wants to create for minorities and frankly, everyone else in this country.

Dr. Carson said that people ask him why he gves speeches that border on political issues. He said "why not and that everyone needs to get involved, including physicians, after all six of the founding signers were Doctors." If you do nothing else listen to his entire speech,....and watch Obama's facial expressions and body language.