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Showing posts with label Extremist Muslims. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Extremist Muslims. Show all posts

Saturday, October 29, 2011

The Insidious Spread of Shariah

The spread of Islamic law - Shariah - throughout Western civilization, is very troubling. Western Europe is slipping under its influence through many factors of society. What you don't see is Shariah making much headway in Eastern Europe - simply because they won't put up with that crap.

Compare the Christian Ten Commandants to the Islamic fundamentals of the Qur’an (Koran) being the Law, Jihad the Way, and, death in the way of Allah the highest aspiration.

There are many Islamic organizations overtly, covertly and in a clandestine manner trying to fundamentally change our society to a point where Shariah is normal and eventually will be the Law of the Land. Make no mistake about it!

During the 2008 Holy Land Foundation HAMAS terror funding trial in Dallas, Texas, Muslim Brotherhood internal documents were made public. From these documents, we know that nearly every single major Muslim organization in the U.S. is controlled by the Muslim Brotherhood or one of its supporting groups including: CAIR (the Council on American-Islamic Relations); MAS (the Muslim American Society); MSA (the Muslim Students Association); ISNA (the Islamic Society of North America); the Fiqh Council of North America, ICNA (the Islamic Circle of North America); IIIT (the International Islamic Institute of Thought); NAIT (the North American Islamic Trust), and hundreds of others to include some that bill themselves as local community organizations.

These nefarious organizations work to bring Shariah into the American culture. Through academia, all levels of courts, local communities, and, the government including the military. On College Campuses across America , MSA students lobby for Shariah compliant gender segregation at gyms and swimming pools, as well as other Shariah sensitive issues. One of the worst things to date is the MSA push to recognize the 1948 anniversary of the founding of the State of Israel as a "catastrophe".

Muslims in college continue to push to bring radical Islamist speakers onto Campus',.....organizations such as Hamas, Hizbollah and others who champion occasion to spread Islam and Shariah.

There are some 50 cases in 20+ different states involving a “conflict of law” between Shariah and American state law. Many of these cases are women and children from Muslim American families who have no other resource to preserve their rights which are minimal at best or totally unavailable under Shariah. In most of these cases, existing American law took precedence over Shariah, however the more often this issue is raised in the courts, the most main stream and acceptable Shariah will become. And make no mistake about it, Shariah HAS BEEN FOUND APPLICABLE in a small number of these cases.

Look at the inroads into the U.S. Government,........Homeland Security and Department of Justice publications and reports cannot contain the words “Islam,” “Islamic,” “Muslim”, "Islamic Terrorism", "Radical Islamism" or other terms "abusive" to or stereotyping this religion. I guess we just don't want to piss off a bunch of bomb vest wearing camel jockies.

"All that is required for Evil to Triumph is for Good men to Do Nothing".

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Cordoba Islamic Center

Did anyone find it strange that the Islamists wanting to build the Islamic Center and Mosque near the site of the 9-11 attacks want to name their facility the "Cordoba Islamic Center"?

Here is perhaps why:

The Islamist Caliphate of Córdoba ruled the Iberian Peninsula (basically Southern Spain) and North Africa, from the city of Córdoba, from 929 to 1031.

In the late 900's, the designated Caliph (think King) was a small boy, so the administration of the Caliphate was conducted by Ibn Abi Aamir who steadily recruited fellow Islamist Berbers from Africa to immigrate into Cordoba in order to build up his base of support. Ibn Abi Aamir led a cruel regime compared to the previous Caliph, Abd-ar-Rahman III. He did not shy away from using force to keep the Christians in check.

Anyway, it seems to me that the Islamists are implementing a strategy:

Recruiting people to come to this country legally and illegally;

Muslim immigration is supported by Obama, giving Federal Tax Payer dollars to fund Palestinian immigration to this country...and remember the Palestinians celebrating in the streets after America was attacked on 9-11;

Open dialogue about Sharia (Islamic) law, as the more it is being talked about and considered, the more main stream it will be in 5 to 10 years;

The radical Islamists are not stupid. They know that this Country engages in self-destructive behavior (why else was Obama elected?) and they are so arrogant that they could “announce” their intentions semi-openly without any fallout....and make no mistake about it,...their intent is the Islamification of America.

It has been said that sufficiently organized, in twenty years there will be enough Islamists in this Country to elect a President. If this doesn’t scare you, nothing will.

We need two things:

1. We need to get some common sense Patriots into government service, particularly in Congress. Take out the garbage day is only 79 days away – VOTE!

2. We need a good long period of Cowboys versus Radical Muslims.