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Showing posts with label Froma Harrop another liberal idiot. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Froma Harrop another liberal idiot. Show all posts

Monday, June 6, 2011

Spinning Leftist Columnists

I was sent an article from a liberal columnist named Froma Harrop. I am not making her name up, she is a columnist for Creators Syndicate out of Los Angeles (I know - figure the odds) and I have in fact mentioned her dribble once or twice before on this site.

Her latest column, or at least the latest one I read, is entitled "Playing Chicken with the US Debt Ceiling". Within the column she contends that "the Republicans are playing a honking stupid game of chicken that could plunge a struggling economy into total misery." This jackass must think the American people are too stupid to realize that Democrat's were in control the past four years; spent this country to where we are now - a hair breadths away from national bankruptcy; failed to
produce a budget for the past couple of years while they throw stones and make up lies about Congressman Ryan's proposed budget destroying Medicare - it was Obamacare that took $500 billion - yes 500 BILLION out of Medicare; and, the one thing the American people understand is that if you continually overspend - that is spend more than you make, then you have two choices: 1 - make some hard choices and go without all but the essentials, or 2 - go bankrupt and do without everything.

Froma Harrop, a leftist stooge, gives us insight into the Liberal strategy: Do nothing on the federal debt; do nothing to cut entitlements (after all these are democrat voters); and, continue to spin the facts and make the Republicans look like the ones who are taking this country over the brink by failure to pass an increase in the federal debt limit.

And another thing that rubs my fur wrong, is that this clown is from California who has 6 Businesses leaving the state every week due to the unfriendly business climate caused by over regulation and massive taxation. For example the small business tax index for California is over 50, while a state like Texas, with business friendly (lack of) regulations has a business tax index of 12. No wonder why the Federal Government is going bankrupt, it is following California's lead!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Exposing Another Liberal Lie

The latest liberal lie I have read, comes from Froma Harrop, a columnist for Creators Syndicate, 5777 W. Century Blvd, Suite 70, Los Angeles, CA. I can see that the Creators Syndicate gets it name from "Creating their own Truth" and Syndicate because they are a Mafia like organization keeping the people oppressed with their lies.

Froma, who based on her picture could use some dental work, tells us the National Debt doubled under George W. Bush, who was "following a reckless path". She fails to mention the devastating attacks on the Twin Towers and the small fact we are fighting a war in two theatres. And Holy Cow,.... if she thinks Bush was reckless, how does she see Obama....... who has quadrupled the debt in 18 months?!?!?

She goes on to lambast the Republicans for spending for Medicare Part D, TARP and bridges to nowhere, but fails to mention the Democrat Congress and Obama pushing Stimulus II, Obamacare, extension after extension of unemployment benefits, and the push for Cap and Trade down out the throats of the American people, even when the majority showed time and time again we were against it. Plus Sarah Palin was the stopper on the Bridge to Nowhere and last time I looked she was NOT a Democrat - you idiot. Plus, it was a Dem controlled Congress who passed the first TARP.

Lastly, Froma Harrop, asks rhetorically "Are the Democrats equally to blame?", then she unashamedly writes: "No. Deficit spending is warranted during an economic crisis." OK, lets give Obama and the Pelosi/Reid organization a pass....Oh, yeah, lets blame Bush (wonder if that'll ever get tiring?).