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Showing posts with label Obama against Israel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Obama against Israel. Show all posts

Friday, May 27, 2011

Netanyahu's rebuttal to Obama

Since last week, when President Obama so infamously through Israel under the bus, political pundits and foreign policy wanks have been analyzing not only Obama idiotic speech but Israel Prime Minister Netanyahu's response.

In case you missed it, here are some excerpts from Benjamin Netanyahu, primarily on his rejection of the Obama's call for return to 1967 border where Israel would be 9 miles wide and place it's security in great jeopardy:

“Israel cannot go back to 1967 lines,” Netanyahu said. “We can’t go back to the indefensible lines.”

Netanyahu said " order to have real peace based on undeniable facts, the Palestinians would have to recognize Israel’s right to exist and that negotiating with Hamas would be to negotiate with the Palestinian equivalent of Al Qaeda. Hamas is a terrorist organization and has fired thousands of rockets into Israel with a goal of killing innocent men, women and children."

“Israel cannot negotiate with a Palestinian government that's backed by Hamas,” Netanyahu said. “Hamas has just attacked you, Mr. President, and the United States for ridding the world of bin Laden. “

Netanyahu gave Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas a choice: Stand with Hamas or make amends and peace with Israel. He also called for Abbas to resolve the Palestinian refugee problem in the context of a Palestinian state, not within the borders of Israel.

Netanyahu went on: “The Arab attack in 1948 on Israel resulted in two refuge problems: Palestinian refugee problem and a Jewish refugee, roughly the same number who were expelled from Arab lands. Now tiny Israel absorbed the Jewish refuges but the vast Arab world refused to absorb the Palestinian refugees. Now, 62 years later, the Palestinians come to us and they say to Israel, ‘Accept the grandchildren and the great grandchildren of these refugees,’ thereby wiping out Israel’s future as a Jewish state. It’s not going to happen. Everybody knows it’s not going to happen. And I think it’s time to tell the Palestinians forthrightly, it’s not going to happen,” Netanyahu said. “It’s not going to be resolved within the Jewish state.”

Netanyahu to Obama: “We share your hope and your vision for democracy in the Middle East,” Netanyahu said. “Israel wants peace, I want peace. What we all want is a peace that will be genuine, that will hold, that will endure.”

“We don’t have a lot of margin for error,” Netanyahu said. “History will not give the Jewish people another chance.” Indeed with about every major Muslim country stating that Israel doesn't have a right to exist. If one neighbor said that to another in Texas, there be a killin'.

Netanyahu's final (public) words to Obama: “You are a leader of a great people, the American people, and I’m the leader of a much smaller people. It’s a great people too. We’ve been around for almost 4,000 years. We’ve experienced struggle and suffering like no other people. The Jews have gone through expulsions and massacres and the murder of millions, but I can say that even at the nadir of the Valley of Death, we never lost hope and we never lost our dream of reestablishing a sovereign state and an ancient homeland of Israel. Now it falls on my shoulders, as the Prime Minister of Israel, at a time of extraordinary instability and uncertainty in the Middle East, to work with you, to fashion a peace that will ensure Israel’s security and will not jeopardize it’s survival. I take this responsibility with pride, but with great humility.”

Why can't the U.S. find a Statesman like Natanyahu? Why can't the U.S. stand with good as oposed to pacating Evil?