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Showing posts with label Obama bin Laden Dead. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Obama bin Laden Dead. Show all posts

Monday, May 2, 2011

Osama bin Laden? No, Osama bin Dead for four days now

Shot in the head after his "secret" compound was taken down in a exceptional well crafted and executed raid by 40 members of SEAL Team 6, Obama bin Laden - the master planner behind Al Qaeda's campaign to wage war on America is now dead and buried at sea where he'll be feeding fishes.

Some say that it took guts for President Obama to authorize a strike into Pakistan to get this sucker, but from the all the heat former President Clinton took when he fired missiles into Al Qaeda training camps over a decade ago in a failed attempt to kill bin Laden, I say he had no choice but for a ground strike.

Obama said that "Osama's death was the single biggest blow ever to Al Qaeda". Boy do I sure disagree. I think the liberation of Afghanistan putting Al Qaeda on the run into the Hindu Kush was the single biggest blow. Osama at the time of this death was a virtual prisoner and could only communicate via messenger which made his command and control of a world wide terrorist group sketchy at best.

A big "Hoo-rah" to SEAL Team 6.