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Showing posts with label Obama forged birth certificate. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Obama forged birth certificate. Show all posts

Friday, April 29, 2011

Recently Released Obama Birth Certificate a Forgery

First of all for years Obama has been saying that a long form of a birth certificate does not exist. Then all of a sudden a typically standard long form becomes available.

Then the Obama camp recently releases the "real" Obama Birth Certificate,........ in the wake of Donald Trump's pressure on the previous non-release or any proof of birth into American Citizenship. And now this released document has been found to be a forgery. Not by me,..not by one or even a dozen investigators,..... but by hundreds of common people using commercial available software.

The Obama birth certificate is not a scanned document, is not a picture or a microfiche copy of a certificate, is in fact a created document.

The basis for the discovery is Adobe Illustrator software that allows the various layers, changes or additions to a created document to become apparent. It is much easier to view the Info Wars video with a staff photo shop illustrator taking the released document apart to show the changes and manipulations.

We know "what", is the forged birth certificate. What is lost in the sheer surprise of discovering a forgery is the "why".

Why would Obama's team create a forgery that can easily be detected? It is arrogance? Is it a hastily put together effort to take the debate of the lack of citizenship because Trump was getting too close as well as being too successful at keeping this issue on the front pages? Or is it the desire to keep this issue in the forefront of the political debate and therefore take the discussion off the real topics such as this Nation's immensely burdening debt and financial crisis?