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Showing posts with label The Organ Mountain-Desert Peaks Wilderness Act.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Organ Mountain-Desert Peaks Wilderness Act.. Show all posts

Saturday, November 27, 2010

S.1689 or the Federal Government as an Incompetent, Criminal Faciliating Bully

What I hate is flippant or indiscriminate use by the Government of Imminent Domain; Government incompetency; the invasion of America by Illegal Immigration; Abuse of the land and the environment, and, the acts of Criminal Organizations. Add all together and you have S.1689 otherwise known as The Organ Mountain-Desert Peaks Wilderness Act.

This is where the Federal Government usurps the authority of the State and creates vast tracts of land where absolutely noting can go on in. Not Law Enforcement, not recreation, not cattle grazing for our ranchers who grow our beef supply. And I surely like a Ribeye from time to time.

When the Federal government, or Senators such as New Mexico Senators Jeff Bingaman and Tom Udall designate a section of land on the border as "Wilderness" they create a de facto no man lands which not only becomes a smuggling corridor but a land of misery when illegal immigrants are brutalized, women raped and drugs are imported into our Country to poison our youth and society.

S.1689 The Organ Mountain-Desert Peaks Wilderness Act will do for New Mexico what the Federal Governments previous Wilderness designations did for Arizona,.....void large tracts of land adjacent to the border out of our sovereign control, decrease or eliminate local, state and federal law enforcement activity, and increase illegal activity. There are only three non-governmental groups advocating the passage of S.1689,....the radical environmental community the Sinaloan Cartel and the Juarez Cartel.

Not only that, whenever we cede these pieces of land they turn into vast tracts of garbage heaps. I have seen it with my own eyes. Thousands of plastic bottles, piles of other garbage, heaps of human waste and clothes thrown about - some of which belonged to the scores of illegal immigrant women raped by coyotes and other illegals during your illegal journey northbound.

Please write, e-mail or call your legislators and tell them S.1689 is wrong,...wrong because of Government abuse of power,..wrong because of what it will do in a negative manner to ranchers both for their protection (remember Arizona Rancher Rob Krentz being shot?) and for grazing rights, and what it will do to facilitate the on-going criminal enterprise of illegal alien and drug smuggling.