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Showing posts with label energy dependancy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label energy dependancy. Show all posts

Monday, April 11, 2011

Oil Dependancy - Oil Underneath out Feet

Oil importation is at an all time high, despite the creation of the Department of Energy (DOE) decades ago and continued empty meaning promise by politican after politican, and administration after administration on becoming energy independent. We are more dependent now than we ever have been on foreign oil.

With the decline of the U.S. dollar and the threat for the U.S. dollar to lose it's status as the world's reserve curency, fuel will skyrocket. It has already increased one daoller per gallon in the last 11 months.

Make no mistake about it,....this is a national security issue! We have got to exploit our natural resource or literally face becoming a third world country and laspe into hyper-inflation. Having a national level focus on exploiting our known reserves across the board in coal, natural gas and oil and even shale oil, plus natural energy surge in wind and solar would provide a much needed economic boost for this country and could, in fact, bring us out of this recession (heading into a depression) and eliminate the national security threat of energy dependancy.

Nowhere is the domestic energy production issue highlighted than on the Artic National Wildlife Refugee (ANWR), pronounced "AN-WAR".

Restrictions on drilling in this area known to contain millions of oil is just plain wrong. Especially when Americans are paying $4 a gallon at the pumps and food and other commodities, brought across country and distributed to retail centers, have risen an average of 40% in the past 6 months.

The major excuse that the environmental nazis use against drilling in ANWR is that drilling in and a pipleine from ANWR would disrupt wild life.

First of all, a new pipeline across Alaska isn't required since the location for drilling in ANWR is about 160 miles From the North Slope Prudhoe Bay pipeline where it would be connected. Second the wildlife loves the pipeline since it is heated and provides a shelter during the worst times during the winter.

If we take the Prudhoe Bay example anyone can see that drilling and infrastucture does not destroy the existing wildlife or environment.  The photos below show the summer and winter time around Prudhoe Bay.  Does it look like the Caribou are put out?