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Showing posts with label excessive government. Show all posts
Showing posts with label excessive government. Show all posts

Sunday, April 8, 2012

The Truth Versus the Spin on Job Growth

If you could stand it, you may have heard President Obama trying to justify a second term by saying the economy is looking better with a recent number of 230,000 jobs created. Some of the quotes from back and forth on-line comments shows that many people aren't fooled.

Ahhh,...those statistics and damned lies again......! I mean really, 230,000 jobs is a bubble? Hardly makes a dent in the 7,500,000 jobs lost!

You missed the point. The government isn't supposed to make up the jobs, the problem is that there are 7,500,000 fewer people helping to pay for 230,000 more government positions.

So at an average salary of $67,691 with say a 70% overhead (benefits, office space, equipment, etc - probably low), so about $115K per employee. 203,000 means 13,741,273,000 spread out among the 106,000,000 that have to pay for those employees means each of the remaining workers makes $129 less per year.

Now since taxes are spread really unevenly and 50% of the population doesn't pay any, it means those of us that do have to support yet larger government bureaucracies which generally provide nothing and make doing actual work harder.

Most Americans are insulated from the rest of the world, this whole anti government thing I see on this site really is a US phenomenon. Nobody likes their government, but no other nation hates government like the US!

Let's see - out of control spending, bad foreign policy, imperialism, manipulation of the worlds currency, ........not to mention job killing over regulation, and sky rocketing gas prices without any strategy to produce more domestic oil.........we have alot of like about the Government!

"The States can best govern our home concerns andn the general government our foreign ones. I wish, therefore,...never to see all offices transferred to Washington, where, further withdrawn from the eyes of the people, they may more secretly be bought and sold at market." - Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826), 3rd U.S. President, letter to Judge WIlliam Johnson in 1823."