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Showing posts with label obama and sarkozy insult netanyahu. Show all posts
Showing posts with label obama and sarkozy insult netanyahu. Show all posts

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Sarkozy and Obama Diss Netanyahu

I was not planning on writing anything about this, but too many people asked me to address it and certainly there are some people who did not hear or read about this primarily because the liberal media tends to minimize news that embarrasses the Obama Administration.

While Obama was in France last week attending the G-20 summit in Cannes, he shared the stage with French President Nicolas Sarkozy. Unaware that the microphones were on, Sarkozy leans over to Obama and says "I cannot bear Netanyahu, he's a liar." Obama replies ""You're fed up with him, but I have to deal with him even more often than you."

Not reported on initially, possibly because most foreign journalist's have something akin to a journalistic moral (unlike the majority, leftist media in this country) in what they may have considered a private accord. However, this event became known through the internet and affirmed by several news agencies on site during the gaffe.

Senior White House Propaganda Secretary in Chief, Jay Carney, declined to comment on the conversation.

What does this mean to the U.S? Well for one it's another case of American disrespect of Israel and the third world (read Islamist Terr organizations and States like Iran) tend to read between the lines and are very good at reading U.S. intentions through ill thought speech like what was caught between Butt Clown Sarkozy and American Apologist in Chief Obama.

No doubt, as we try to navigate dealing with the Iranian Nuclear capability it will degrade not only how the rest of the world and key players in the Middle East see the U.S., but it will degrade how serious Iran takes the U.S. resolve.

And what's damn sad about this one of many episodes of Obama dissing Israel is that the majority of Jewish Americans will still vote for the Democrat party. The only friend to Israel in the last three decades has been Republican Administrations.

Another aspect to this story is the anti-semantic tone Sarkozy and Obama which is in line with the Occupy Wall Street movement that is giving new life to the age old racist notion that "evil Jewish Bankers" control the World's money supply.

Being the class act that he is, Benjamin Netanyahu, when asked about Sarkozy and Obama's comments, responds "Is Obama a friend of Israel? Is Sarkozy a friend of Israel? The answer to this is yes, and, as far as I'm concerned, that is what's important."