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Monday, March 15, 2010

Insight from Phillip Klein, American Spectator

From in Range Magazine, Spring 2010, taken from the American Spectator, December 2009/January 2010, excerpt from the article "All the President's Regulators":

"Each day, presidentially appointed bureaucrats who remain unknown to most Americans make decision that have consequences for the entire nation. And in President Obama's case, his appointments serve as Plan B, allowing him to realize the parts of his agenda that he is unable to enact through the legislative process."

If you have never heard of Range Magazine, you dog gone well should. They serve as a bulwark against big government intrusion into take over of personal property, mismanagement and unethical acts by branches of the government most notable the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the Department of the Interior and the U.S. Forest Service and the Bureau of Land Management, and, Al Gore's Great Big Scam on the American People, also known as "Global Warming".

I enjoy Range Magazine and agree with much of what they have to say.

Visit the following links:

Obama Strikes Out

Those of you as old as I will remember "Casey at Bat". The video below is quickly making the internet rounds correlating Obama and this Administration's failures at everything they attempt. To be fair, President Barack Obama, aka Barry Soltero, is as unprepared a President as this Country has had. With no work or job experience outside of Community Organizing (whatever the hell that is), it is undeniably to say we expected anything else, so the Casey at Bat strikeout is an apt application.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Cowboy Logic for the Day

“For Some Men it was Too Late to Get Wise the Day They Were Born.”

This bit of Cowboy wisdom makes me think of Liberals stuck on or wrapped around their socialist ideology. Seems not to matter the endless historical examples of failed socialist movements and programs, they keep marching forward on their bent for bigger government, more spending, higher taxes and government control. We just ain't gonna be able to wise them up, they were born that way.

Pelosi, Reid, Rangel, Frank and the whole lot have got to go. Let’s retire them all and let their respective States deal with them smelling up the place.