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Friday, March 4, 2011

The Obama/Holder Arrogant Practice of Justice,...Their Justice

The Obama Administration needs to pull their head out of their fourth point of contact on their idea of justice and obeying laws.

There were Black Panthers carrying billy clubs and intimidating voters in Philadelphia that Obama, and his Justice Department run by that clown Eric Holder, refused to prosecute. Where is the outrage over that? If it had been white intimidators and a white President, there would have been riots in the streets and Democrat legislators hitting the roof over it.

Then Obama sues Arizona over their immigration law, lawfully passed by their state legislators. Unbelievable!

More recently we have the Obama Administration, and his DOI Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar, exceeding their authority and good common sense in putting a oil drilling ban in the Gulf, along the way destroying jobs and the local economy. When the ban is struck down and a Federal Judge holds the Administration in contempt for continuing the moratorium, it is ignored. Who holds the people at the highest level responsible when they flout the law? Ultimately the only way we have to hold them responsible will be the election in 2012.

Speaking on elections, you can see Obama gearing up for 2012 by pandering to his base in declaring that the Administration and the Justice Department would not uphold Federal law once again, this time in the instance of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). Mike Huckabee, former Governor of Arkansas and 2008 Presidential candidate summed it up best when he said “ "The president has made an incredibly, amazing inexplicable political error. He is out of touch with the voters in every state in which this is on the ballot...Had he taken this position in the campaign, he might not have been elected. He supported traditional marriage with a man and woman in 2008. Either not being honest then or he's not being honest now. Or he changed his mind, and he needs to explain when and how that happened, and why." The answer is simple, he’s pandering to the extreme left.

And of course, you can dismiss the Jan 31, 2011 ruling by a federal judge who declared not just part but their entire national health care law is unconstitutional. Judge Roger Vinson declared Congress exceeded its authority by forcing Americans to buy health insurance. 26 states are party to this suit against the Federal government, by way of Democrats in the Senate and House who forced this unconstitutional monstrosity down the throats of the American people.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Sean Hannity vs. Muslim Cleric Anjem Choudary

Sean Hannity's telling interview of Iman Choudary on Feb 2nd, 2011. This should scare the western world. These radical islamists have one goal and that is Islamification and the introduction of Sharia across the world. Make no mistake about it. All means to accomplish this are on the table. With many in this country thinking or refering to the Muslim Brotherhood as a politcal group or freedom movement, thanks to the mainstream media, is at best stupid and at worst treasonous. Remember, the Muslim Brotherhood participated in the murder of Anwar Sadat in 1981.

Also remember, this Choudary mutt, proclaims that an Islamic flag will fly over the White House in our lifetime.

What kills me is that we can even talk about Sharia in this country as viable yet we have leftist idiots screaming if someone erects a cross about anywhere.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Reader (Entitlest) Response on Obamacare Repeal Effort

We received an Anonymous (go figure) comment on the previous Cowboys and Tea Parties post "Mike Huckabee for":

I was paying over $1200 per month for health insurance. Now, for the first time I can get it for about $500 per month with pre-existing conditions...and you want me to sign a petition against it. You do you people work for? Because it is not the people of the USA.

Cowboys response:

Sorry that you were paying $1,200 a month for health care,…that sucks. Was it because the Democrats and Unions would not let you cross state lines to get better (and cheaper) coverage? Or was the high cost due to the high density of tort claims against medical doctors that drove the price of medical care sky high? Oh,…who is paying the difference in your health care costs? The tax payers are,..that's who.

I know a dozen or so people whose health care costs have gone up,...gone up to generate funds to pay for health care for people like you. In fact, military retirees, who have not received a cost of living increase in years, are now receiving about $30 less a month. Not a lot money? It is when you retirement check is only $1000 a month. You see, with the government broke, the Obama administration has to get money from where it can, to fund their entitlement and union support programs.

Bottom line, the different between me and you is that little phrase “personal responsibility”. I do not expect someone else to pay my way. I am perfectly capable of providing, to the extent I can, for my family. I am not owed anything by the people. You evidently think you are owed.

What is your pre-existing condition? Adult On-set diabetes brought on by years of eating Big Macs and Frito chips and drinking sugar laden sodas? And now you expect the tax payers to pay for your lack of personal responsibility? Shame on you! You represent the “entitlement mentality” that is driving this country into the ground. In the immortal words of Mark Levin,…”Get off the air you big dope!”