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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Union Mobs attacks Verizon

Paraphrased from Mark Mix's column on the Right to Work Movement. I don't ever see any Politicians standing up much anymore for these Unions,...sure the Democrats funnel money to the Union coffers - no more so than Obama with the Stimulus plan,....but no politicians is willing to stand up in front of a camera and say what the Unions are demanding,.....that workers must belong to a Union, pay Union dues, and stand silent while the Union funnels money to Democrat campaigns.

Oh, by the way, the Obama Stimulus plan isn't really a failed plan like the facts suggest,...I say that it was intended all along to fund the Unions and "stimulate" the political campaigns of Democrat candidates. Anyway, back to the Unions lead by Communist scumbags......

Communications Workers of America (CWA) and International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) union bosses have ordered tens of thousands of Verizon employees to abandon their jobs and report to a union picket The early reports of rampant intimidation and militancy are disturbing but sadly unsurprising. The U.S. has come to know Unions for their deliberate lies; violence and intimidation; and, outrageous demands for gold plated benefits and handouts.

Verizon already reports over 70 acts of sabotage and damage to phone and Internet lines -- exposing customers to the possibility that they will be unable to call for help or reach family during an emergency. Verizon managers are filling in for union workers on strike and being harassed as they cross the picket line each day.

One union militant ordered his young daughter to stand in front a Verizon truck while he verbally berated the independent technicians.

And on Facebook, union strikers compiled a so-called "scab" list -- that disgusting name union thugs use to demean, harass, and even threaten workers who defy union-boss orders and continue working to provide for their families.

Watch the video below,...listen to the Union strikers yelling "Union Power!",....what I hear is "Mob Power!":

Monday, August 15, 2011

Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (R-MN) Wins Iowa Straw Poll

Michele Bachmann won the Iowa straw poll on Saturday, as Texas Governor Rick Perry
formerly announced his bid for the Presidency in South Carolina and former Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty, a nemesis of Bachmann, bowed out after a fairly strong third place showing....must have ran out of money.

Bachmann, a Congresswomen from Minnesota, narrowly beat Texas Congressman Ron Paul to win the nonbinding mock election, giving her both a fund raising advantage and an emotional victory in Bachmann's birthplace.

Bachmann won with 29 percent of the vote. Paul, was a close second with 28 percent, while Pawlenty had 14 percent.

Former U.S. Senator Rick Santorum, from Pennsylvania, was fourth, businessman Herman Cain came in fifth, and Rick Perry was sixth. Perry finished with 3.6 percent of the vote even though he was not on the ballot. That was more than Mitt Romney, the former Massachusetts governor, who was on the ballot but did not participate in the poll. He finished seventh.

With a national straw poll conducted just after the results of Iowa were announced, the results were somewhat different:

Ron Paul 29%

Mitt Romney 20%

Michele Bachmann 18%

Herman Cain 14%

Newt Gingrich 8%

Jon Huntsman 6%

Rick Santorum 3%

Tim Pawlenty 3%

These were surprising to me after the National televised debate where Ron Paul seemingly shot himself in the foot with his un-educated views on the World, particularly the Islamic terrorist threat, and his whiny rant on Iran not being a threat. I know, I know, you watched it too and you said "What?!?!?".

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Bumper Sticker of the Week - Prayer For President Obama

My wife and I were in slow-moving traffic the other day and we were stopped behind a car that had an unusual Obama bumper sticker on it.

It read: "Pray for Obama. Psalm 109:8".

When we got home my wife got out the Bible and opened it up to the scripture. She started laughing & laughing. Then she read it to me. I couldn't believe what it said. I had a good laugh, too.

Psalm 109:8 ~ "Let his days be few and brief; and let others step forward to replace him."

At last -- I can honestly voice a Biblical prayer for our president! Look it up -- it is word for word! Let us all bow our heads and pray. Brothers and Sisters, can I get an AMEN?