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Monday, January 30, 2012

Governor Jan Brewer - You Go Girl!

Dear Mr. President,

Welcome to Arizona!

You‘ve arrived in a state at the forefront of America’s recovery — and her future. We were at the brink. We were at the bottom of the list in job creation. Today, we have a balanced budget and we’re in the top 10 for job creation.

I’m proud of that hard-won recovery — the result of many tough decisions, courage and perseverance.

My hope is while you are here you will have a chance to see our tremendous results first hand.

We both love the great country, but we fundamentally disagree on how to best make America grow and prosper once again. I‘d love an opportunity to share with you how we’ve been able to turn Arizona around with hard choices that turned out to be the right ones.

And, of course, my offer to visit the border — and buy lunch — still stands!

With respect, Jan

While the media reported this as a hostile encounter in which Governor Brewer was disrespectful to the President, both Obama and Brewer describe it as something different, although the picture is worth a thousand words. The obvious comments are:
1 - What big cajones Obama must have to fund raise in a state he has directed the Attorney General to sue.
2 - Obama continues to demonstrate an ineptness to lead or even to manage, as he prefers to spew forth campaign slogans and promises while failing to do anything except move this country towards the brink of economic collapse,...never mind securing the borders.
3 - Compare Obama's and the Democrat's national efforts (or non-efforts) to Arizona (and Texas) with balanced budgets, and economic/job growth.Mr. President, don't need the comparisons!  With the States or Governor Brewer.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Black Quill's Obama Watch

A reader sent us a link to Black Quill and Ink to check out what they are doing to expose President Obama and his administration's apparent disdain for the U.S. Constitution.

Reader here need to go to the original site, where they can see first hand what Black Quill and Ink writes and the supporting videos which are pretty damning.

Some snippets of what Black Quill and Ink (BQI) say's about Obama are:

Mainstream Liberal Media. Since his declaration to run for President of the United States, Obama has been and remains an unknown, an oddity to the American public. Although much information existed about then candidate Obama the media refused to investigate and report. Rather, they elected to become partisan Obama supporters, taking extraordinary steps to protect and promote his candidacy. The net result of this misfeasance was the election of the most radical president in American history.

Exposing Obama.. Much of who Obama is now is on display in his socialist policies and big government agenda. However, to ensure America votes this time with an informed ballot Obama and his agenda must be put on full display. In other words, the Obama puzzle must be assembled and once done America will see just how dangerous Obama is for America.

The Plan To Desensitize America – Preparing for Constitutional Violation and Martial Law. In a recently published BQI article; The Left’s Attack on the Constitution, we attempted to make the case that the country is being set up for a major assault on the Constitution. Through a series of speeches, statements and recommendations from ardent Obama supporters and Obama himself, the plan for Obama’s reelection or more accurately, take over of the presidency, is crystallizing.

Loss of Individual Freedoms. In our most read article, EXTRA: Obama Suspends Civil Liberties, we provided a hypothetical situation where Obama would use crisis to institute martial law. At the time of its publication this possibility was, to say the least, somewhat radical. How times have changed. Over a year later we now see, increasingly, more and more authors describing the exact scenario offered in our 2010 hypothetical case; the institution of martial law by Obama is gaining traction and becoming a more realistic possibility.

Martial Law. To enable Obama to initiate such action (Martial Law), it is obvious that Americans have to be conditioned to accept such an act. Americans have to be led to believe that there are some situations where the president must disregard the Constitution for the greater interest of the country. To achieve this mental conditioning on Americans it means that efforts must be put forth to create a false impression of the importance and relevance of the Constitution. Americans must be conditioned to view the Constitution as a less than adoring and admiring document or certainly that it is not a legitimate or relevant document to the challenging times that we face today. To achieve this it makes sense that Americans are presented with a slow and methodical deconstruction of the Constitution’s legitimacy or relevance by people who otherwise are viewed as either experts or who people see as trusted or committed to the nation’s welfare. What crisis could inspire a presidential order of martial law?

Potential Scenarios. We believe that the national crisis that could rise to the level of an American call for Presidential action in the form of national martial law imposition would likely be either one of two scenarios:

1. A complete economic financial breakdown. This action could lead to massive civil unrest that could cause Obama to suspend 2012 elections and thus remain President.
2. The holding of 2012 elections that result in the election of a Republican (conservative) President. The left could very well allege some form of voter fraud that could then lead to massive riots and civil unrest. Obama steps in, declares the election results suspended and institutes martial law to address the crisis.

Wow! This is one site conservatives must come back to time and time again, even if you don't agree with what Black Quill and Ink writes, least they provide food for thought, and of course we're hoping they are wrong as the consequences of Black Quill being right are terrible for this country.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Obama Exploitation of Buffet's Secretary Fails

Alternative Title:  Class Warfare Again?  Are You Kidding Me?
During Tuesday night's State of the Union address, President Obama, showcased his class warfare rhetoric, not to mention exposing the direction of his 2012 campaign, by trying to highlight the "Rich paying less than their fair share, while workers pay more than their fair share" argument. Using the taxes and wages of his pal, Warren Buffet and Buffet's secretary (Debbie Bosanek) as an example, and with Buffet and Bosanek sitting in the audience, Obama railed on how unfair it was for a worker like Bosnaek to pay more in taxes than Buffet who is a billionaire. Obama then put a minimum percentage on the amount of taxes the ultra-rich should pay - 30 percent - which is now being called the Buffet rule.

There are several billionaires saying how un-fair it is that they pay less in taxes than workers. Not only is this untrue, but if they want to pay more, then pay it. Do you need a special invitation!

But yet again Obama uses selective facts and does not present all the truth to make his point.

While it is reportedly true that Bosanek pays a tax rate of 35.8 percent of income, while Buffett pays a rate at 17.4 percent, Buffet's income comes mostly from investment income where the capital gains tax rate is much, much lower than the rate on straight salary, such as Bosanek's. So after all, Bosanek's income places her in the top 1, 2 or 3 % of Americans, just the people who Obama's wants to pay more.

Buffet's say's: "I don't pay hardly any payroll taxes, while Gov. Romney hardly pays any payroll taxes." If Buffet's paid more taxes on his investment income, taxed at the lower capital gains tax, he would have much less money to create jobs with. This is the argument that the Liberals just don't understand.

"I just feel like an average citizen. I represent the average citizen who needs a voice," said Bosanek. "Everybody in our office is paying a higher tax rate than Warren ."

Well if you are over taxed then why did you and your husband buy another house this year? You want people to feel sorry for you?

Where all of this leads is to a fair tax conclusion. Of course, fair in Republican eyes is much different than what's fair in the eyes of Socialists, Democrats and Progressives,....there I go again, being redundant,...I should have just said Liberals.

If we all paid a flat tax rate, wouldn't that be fair? Let's take 10% off the top from everyone. Then everyone has "buy-in" for this country. The 49% not paying any taxes, but drinking at the government entitlement trough will of course fight this,....cause it's unfair.

Just as a comparison, Mitt Romney paid around $3 million in taxes last year. Is this enough?