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Saturday, October 20, 2012

Good News for Romney

....and indeed the Nation as reports come out from all over the country that Romney is taking the lead in National polls and well as some of the battleground states:

From a internet based poll with 4,582 votes, Obama has 43% while Romney 57%.

A National Constitution Center projected electoral vote count places Romney at a 206 to 201 advantage. Of course it takes 270 electoral votes to win the election, but the good news is that Romney prevously was tallied at around 160 and Obama supposedly had 250 electoral votes locked up. So that basically leaves 131 electoral votes up for grabs, at least by Real Clear Politics’ count.

SO, why has the presidential race changed so dramatically? According to Newt Gingrich the change in polling results, attitudes, and news media coverage in the last three weeks has been as decisive as any campaign in his lifetime, and this is mostly due to the first debate between Obama and Romney where Romney absolutely stomped the President.

And this change has to also be impacted, positively for the Republicans, due to the Vice Presidential debate where Ryan did better than Biden, according to the fair polls, and also due to Romney beating Obama on the second debate.

Another factor is that the American people got to see Romney and their observations refutted the character deflammation conducted by Obama and the Democrats. For the first time in over a year I am thinking there is hope for this country.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Obama's Failed Energy Agenda

Failed energy agenda. A123 the latest in a long line of alternative energy companies gone bankrupt with tax payer money. When is Obama going to not only quit picking winners and losers and using our money to do so, but to quit picking just the losers? A123 received a total in $374 million in tax payer funded grants and credits and another $529 million for Fisker Automotive to make cars for A123 batteries for a total of $901 million,..can you believe it!

Obama likes to say that drilling is at an all time time in this country. And his latest excuse on why gasoline prices are high, twice as high now as they were when he took office, Obama say's the "failed Bush economy" that he inherited artificially drove gas prices down.

Here are the facts: With a "green" agenda burdening the American people, conventional fuel producers, namely coal and oil (gas) have incurred more costs now than ever before. There are more drilling operations on-going now than four years ago, but the increase is on private lands which the Obama administration has tried to shut down or over regulate. Drilling on federal lands including off shore is down 14%. Let's say that again,...down 14%.

SO basically you have a President saying one thing and doing another, with the exception that Obama did say he was going to shut down the coal industry......actually he intends on "bankrupting the coal industry". If you live in a coal mining state, then voting for Obama is just plain un-comprehensible.

We have said this before,...not only is this an economic issue, this is a national security issue letting foreign countries and notably some of our enemies control the export of oil to this country.