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Sunday, November 25, 2012
Nice! Obama Buddy, Egyptian President Morsi, Grants Himself Extra Power
Make no mistake about it, Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi's agenda is to turn Egypt into a anti-Israel, Sharia loving, Radical Muslim country. Currently there are riots in Egypt over Morsi's declaration that his decisions made as President are above the Egyptian courts.
Morsi, a long time Muslim Brotherhood member, from the same Muslim Brotherhood terrorist organization that Obama hosted at the White House which surely made the Founders turn over in their graves, has now granted himself far reaching powers, and, running Christian and moderate Muslim out of the legislative assembly.
This is the same mutt who gave political support to Hamas shooting rockets into Israel population centers.
Now that Morsi and Obama (sounds like a Muslim Law Firm) have brokered some type of pause for peace in the region, it will give Hamas time to re-group from their ass whupping and bring in more rockets from Iran and additional help from Egypt.
Egypt, who was once a force for peace in the Middle East, will turn out to be a major aggressive enemy of Israel once Morsi gets consolidated and Hamas re-arms which is the entire intent of the brokered peace. Add Hezbollah entrenched to Israel's north plus the Iranian nuclear threat and things are dire for Israel.
The below is from an AP article by Hamza Hendawi:
Egypt's Morsi grants himself far-reaching powers
Egypt's president on Thursday issued constitutional amendments that placed him above judicial oversight and ordered the retrial of Hosni Mubarak for the killing of protesters in last year's uprising.
Mohammed Morsi also decreed immunity for the Islamist-dominated panel drafting a new constitution from any possible court decisions to dissolve it, a threat that had been hanging over the controversial assembly.
Liberal and Christian members withdrew from the assembly during the past week to protest what they say is the hijacking of the process by Morsi's allies, who they saw are trying to push through a document that will have an Islamist slant marginalizing women and minority Christians and infringing on personal liberties.
The Egyptian leader also decreed that all decisions he has made since taking office in June and until a new constitution is adopted and a new parliament is elected — which is not expected before next spring — are not subject to appeal in court or by any other authority. He also barred any court from dissolving the Islamist-led upper house of parliament, a largely toothless body that has also faced court cases.
The moves effectively remove any oversight on Morsi, the longtime Muslim Brotherhood figure who became Egypt's first freely elected president last summer after the Feb. 11, 2011 fall of autocrat Hosni Mubarak. They come as Morsi is riding high on lavish praise from President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton for mediating an end to eight days of fighting between Israel and Gaza's Hamas rulers.
Morsi not only holds executive power, he also has legislative authority after a previous court ruling just before he took office on June 30 dissolved the powerful lower house of parliament, which was led by the Brotherhood. With two branches of power in his hands, Morsi has had repeated frictions with the third, the judiciary, over recent months.
"Morsi today usurped all state powers; appointed himself Egypt's new pharaoh," pro-reform leader Mohamed ElBaradei wrote on his Twitter account. "A major blow to the revolution that could have dire consequences."
Saturday, November 24, 2012
States Moving Forward on Nullification
Nullification Goes Mainstream; States Defy Washington on Drugs and Health Care, from an article by John Rubino on Dollar, November 9, 2012. Read original article here.
This is a long, by powerful article which will undoubtabley spur debate over States Rights and the issue whether we are still a Constitutional Republic or just a Democracy ruled by special interest groups....aka the George Soros' sponsored anti-American causes and the Labor Unions. As the federal government gradually assimilates the rest of the country, a few states have begun to fight back. From the Kansas City Star:
No state-run health insurance exchanges in Missouri or Kansas
Missouri will be unable to implement a key provision of federal health care law, Gov.Jay Nixon announced Thursday.
Meantime, Kansas Gov. Sam Brownbacksays he won’t support an application from Insurance Commissioner Sandy Praeger to establish a state-federal health insurance marketplace.
That means it will be up to the federal government to establish health insurance exchanges in Missouri and Kansas. The exchanges are designed to be online marketplaces where individuals and small businesses can compare and buy private insurance plans.
As part of the Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare, the states face a Nov. 16 deadline to notify the federal government if they want to run their own insurance exchange. They must be open for business by 2014. When states do not open their own, the federal government will step in and set up an exchange.
“Obamacare,” Brownback said in a news release, “is an overreach by Washington and (Kansans) have rejected the state’s participation. … We will not benefit from it and implementing it could cost Kansas taxpayers millions of dollars.”
This kind of rebellion has deep historical roots. From the American Thinker blog:
The Nullification Movement
One thing overlooked in the uproar surrounding the election is the nullification of federal narcotics law in Washington state and Colorado. If these laws are allowed to stand without challenge from Eric Holder’s Justice Department, then the green light is on for nullifying any federal law — including ObamaCare.
Nullification is based upon the principle that is best described in the words of Thomas Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence:
“Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed…”
This simple statement asserts that no government may impose its will upon the people without their consent and that if the people make it known that they do not consent then the imposition is nullified. The very first time that a nullification resolution was passed in our history was the Kentucky Resolutions of 1798 to nullify the Alien and Sedition acts. The author of this resolution was Thomas Jefferson, who had to write the resolution in secret because if it were known that he was opposed to these acts, he would have been imprisoned, even though he was vice president at the time.
Jefferson had help from another of the founding fathers, James Madison. Madison wrote the Virginia Resolution, which nullified the Alien and Seditions Acts in Virginia. These nullification resolutions were never tested in court since in the next presidential election Jefferson became president, repealed the laws and pardoned all those who had been imprisoned under the Alien and Seditions acts. The idea of nullification became popular again in the decade leading up to the War Between the States as many northern states nullified fugitive slave laws.
Now two western states are using the principle of nullification against federal narcotics laws to legalize marijuana for recreational use. Both Colorado and Washington had legalization measures on the ballot, and the measures passed. But Kevin Sabet, the former Obama administration’s drug czar, stated:
“This is a symbolic victory for advocates, but it will be short-lived. They are facing an uphill battle with implementing this, in the face of presidential opposition and in the face of federal enforcement opposition.”
But as of yet, agents from the Drug Enforcement Agency have not made a show of force by kicking in the doors of local head shops and hauling shopkeepers off to jail.
If the federal government does take action, it will likely be via lawsuit. They will argue the Supremacy Clause of the constitution. But the Supremacy Clause is not a slam dunk as some would have you think. In Federalist Paper #46 titled, “The Influence of the State and Federal Governments Compared,” Madison comments on the idea of supremacy:
“These gentlemen must here be reminded of their error. They must be told that the ultimate authority, wherever the derivative may be found, resides in the people alone….”
Ultimately, if the federal government loses, then nullification will be used to do away with many overreaching federal laws, such as the Endangered Species Act, which has shut down agriculture in California, or to the Clean Air Act, which threatens to cause rolling blackouts across the nation.
But Colorado and Washington are not alone in the nullification movement; six other states are challenging federal law. Alabama, Montana, and Wyoming all passed measures guaranteeing health-care freedom, and Massachusetts approved a measure to legalize marijuana for medicinal use.
Last spring, Virginia passed legislation prohibiting state and local agencies from cooperating with any federal attempt to exercise indefinite detention without due process under the National Defense Authorization Act.
Idaho’s Governor, C.L. “Butch” Otter, signed the Health Freedom Act into law which essentially nullifies the Affordable Care Act.
The nullification movement is alive and well, and growing exponentially, and as a result the beltway bandits may see their power greatly diminished.
Some thoughts
Most non-libertarians will like some of these nullification moves and abhor others. Conservatives hate the idea of legal weed, for instance, and liberals can’t tolerate states running their own health care systems. In other words, both sides of the current US political establishment are all for a big, intrusive central government as long as it serves their ends, but dead set against it when it serves their ideological opponents. This philosophical, um, flexibility is what has allowed Washington to grow so steadily. When republicans are in charge, the powers of the federal police state grow. When democrats take over, the welfare state expands. Neither has the political capital to undo the other’s expansion, so federal power continues to metastasize.
Cowboys and Tea Parties comment: The idea that "When republicans are in charge, the powers of the federal police state grow" is not true. Look that what Obama has done and wants to do to increase the Government's Police and Security powers,.....the NDAA allowing the military to detain citizens without due process,....wanting to hire 16,000 new IRS agents to enforce Obamacare and other regulations that he declared unconstitutionally through executive order rather than through the legislative process. Hey, here's a clue - it called the Legislature for a reason!! Allowing Eric Holder's Justice Department to arm Mexican Drug Cartels with thousands of weapons. No! It's not the conservatives who are increasing the police state,'s the Socialists who are currently in power.
But now this process has begun to work in reverse. Liberal states are trying to push the feds out of the realms of drugs and sexual behavior, while conservative states are trying to reassert their dominance in economics. The result might be an irregular but steady erosion of federal power.
Cowboys and Tea Parties comment: The erosion of federal power is a good thing when the federal government acts unconstitutionally and against the will of and best interests of the People.
Very few dictators go down without a fight, however, so Washington might decide to make an example of rebellious states by asserting federal supremacy in the courts and then backing up favorable rulings with legal sanctions. Will it succeed or backfire? Who knows, but it will almost certainly energize the libertarian movement that Ron Paul helped create – which would be both educational and entertaining. So by all means, let nullification debate begin.
This is a long, by powerful article which will undoubtabley spur debate over States Rights and the issue whether we are still a Constitutional Republic or just a Democracy ruled by special interest groups....aka the George Soros' sponsored anti-American causes and the Labor Unions. As the federal government gradually assimilates the rest of the country, a few states have begun to fight back. From the Kansas City Star:
No state-run health insurance exchanges in Missouri or Kansas
Missouri will be unable to implement a key provision of federal health care law, Gov.Jay Nixon announced Thursday.
Meantime, Kansas Gov. Sam Brownbacksays he won’t support an application from Insurance Commissioner Sandy Praeger to establish a state-federal health insurance marketplace.
That means it will be up to the federal government to establish health insurance exchanges in Missouri and Kansas. The exchanges are designed to be online marketplaces where individuals and small businesses can compare and buy private insurance plans.
As part of the Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare, the states face a Nov. 16 deadline to notify the federal government if they want to run their own insurance exchange. They must be open for business by 2014. When states do not open their own, the federal government will step in and set up an exchange.
“Obamacare,” Brownback said in a news release, “is an overreach by Washington and (Kansans) have rejected the state’s participation. … We will not benefit from it and implementing it could cost Kansas taxpayers millions of dollars.”
This kind of rebellion has deep historical roots. From the American Thinker blog:
The Nullification Movement
One thing overlooked in the uproar surrounding the election is the nullification of federal narcotics law in Washington state and Colorado. If these laws are allowed to stand without challenge from Eric Holder’s Justice Department, then the green light is on for nullifying any federal law — including ObamaCare.
Nullification is based upon the principle that is best described in the words of Thomas Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence:
“Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed…”
This simple statement asserts that no government may impose its will upon the people without their consent and that if the people make it known that they do not consent then the imposition is nullified. The very first time that a nullification resolution was passed in our history was the Kentucky Resolutions of 1798 to nullify the Alien and Sedition acts. The author of this resolution was Thomas Jefferson, who had to write the resolution in secret because if it were known that he was opposed to these acts, he would have been imprisoned, even though he was vice president at the time.
Jefferson had help from another of the founding fathers, James Madison. Madison wrote the Virginia Resolution, which nullified the Alien and Seditions Acts in Virginia. These nullification resolutions were never tested in court since in the next presidential election Jefferson became president, repealed the laws and pardoned all those who had been imprisoned under the Alien and Seditions acts. The idea of nullification became popular again in the decade leading up to the War Between the States as many northern states nullified fugitive slave laws.
Now two western states are using the principle of nullification against federal narcotics laws to legalize marijuana for recreational use. Both Colorado and Washington had legalization measures on the ballot, and the measures passed. But Kevin Sabet, the former Obama administration’s drug czar, stated:
“This is a symbolic victory for advocates, but it will be short-lived. They are facing an uphill battle with implementing this, in the face of presidential opposition and in the face of federal enforcement opposition.”
But as of yet, agents from the Drug Enforcement Agency have not made a show of force by kicking in the doors of local head shops and hauling shopkeepers off to jail.
If the federal government does take action, it will likely be via lawsuit. They will argue the Supremacy Clause of the constitution. But the Supremacy Clause is not a slam dunk as some would have you think. In Federalist Paper #46 titled, “The Influence of the State and Federal Governments Compared,” Madison comments on the idea of supremacy:
“These gentlemen must here be reminded of their error. They must be told that the ultimate authority, wherever the derivative may be found, resides in the people alone….”
Ultimately, if the federal government loses, then nullification will be used to do away with many overreaching federal laws, such as the Endangered Species Act, which has shut down agriculture in California, or to the Clean Air Act, which threatens to cause rolling blackouts across the nation.
But Colorado and Washington are not alone in the nullification movement; six other states are challenging federal law. Alabama, Montana, and Wyoming all passed measures guaranteeing health-care freedom, and Massachusetts approved a measure to legalize marijuana for medicinal use.
Last spring, Virginia passed legislation prohibiting state and local agencies from cooperating with any federal attempt to exercise indefinite detention without due process under the National Defense Authorization Act.
Idaho’s Governor, C.L. “Butch” Otter, signed the Health Freedom Act into law which essentially nullifies the Affordable Care Act.
The nullification movement is alive and well, and growing exponentially, and as a result the beltway bandits may see their power greatly diminished.
Some thoughts
Most non-libertarians will like some of these nullification moves and abhor others. Conservatives hate the idea of legal weed, for instance, and liberals can’t tolerate states running their own health care systems. In other words, both sides of the current US political establishment are all for a big, intrusive central government as long as it serves their ends, but dead set against it when it serves their ideological opponents. This philosophical, um, flexibility is what has allowed Washington to grow so steadily. When republicans are in charge, the powers of the federal police state grow. When democrats take over, the welfare state expands. Neither has the political capital to undo the other’s expansion, so federal power continues to metastasize.
Cowboys and Tea Parties comment: The idea that "When republicans are in charge, the powers of the federal police state grow" is not true. Look that what Obama has done and wants to do to increase the Government's Police and Security powers,.....the NDAA allowing the military to detain citizens without due process,....wanting to hire 16,000 new IRS agents to enforce Obamacare and other regulations that he declared unconstitutionally through executive order rather than through the legislative process. Hey, here's a clue - it called the Legislature for a reason!! Allowing Eric Holder's Justice Department to arm Mexican Drug Cartels with thousands of weapons. No! It's not the conservatives who are increasing the police state,'s the Socialists who are currently in power.
But now this process has begun to work in reverse. Liberal states are trying to push the feds out of the realms of drugs and sexual behavior, while conservative states are trying to reassert their dominance in economics. The result might be an irregular but steady erosion of federal power.
Cowboys and Tea Parties comment: The erosion of federal power is a good thing when the federal government acts unconstitutionally and against the will of and best interests of the People.
Very few dictators go down without a fight, however, so Washington might decide to make an example of rebellious states by asserting federal supremacy in the courts and then backing up favorable rulings with legal sanctions. Will it succeed or backfire? Who knows, but it will almost certainly energize the libertarian movement that Ron Paul helped create – which would be both educational and entertaining. So by all means, let nullification debate begin.
Friday, November 23, 2012
Geithner: No Debt Ceiling for Federal Government
Thanks to Elizabeth Harrington of for her article, "Treasury Secretary Geithner: Lift Debt Limit to Infinity" of a few days ago. This is another bit of news you'll never see in the Lap Dog media.
Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner said Friday that Congress should stop placing legal limits on the amount of money the government can borrow and effectively lift the debt limit to infinity.
On Bloomberg TV, “Political Capital” host Al Hunt asked Geithner if he believes “we ought to just eliminate the debt ceiling.”
“Oh, absolutely,” Geithner said.
“You do? Will you propose that?” Hunt asked
“Well, this is something only Congress can solve,” Geithner said. “Congress put it on itself. We've had 100 years of experience with it, and I think only once--last summer--did people decide to use it to threaten default on the American credit for the first time in history as a tool for political advantage. And that’s not a tenable strategy.”
Hunt then asked: “Is now the time to eliminate it?”
“It would have been time a long time ago to eliminate it,” Geithner said. “The sooner the better.”
Geithner’s Treasury Department quietly warned at the end of October that the Treasury would reach current legal limit on the federal government's debt by about the end of the year.
In August 2011, President Barack Obama and Congress agreed to lift the legal debt limit by another $2.4 trillion--allowing the government to borrow up to $16.394 trillion. However, as of the close of business on Thursday, the Treasury had only $154.3 billion of that $2.4 trillion in new borrowing authority left.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) said last week that the Senate stands ready to increase the debt limit by another $2.4 trillion. “If it has to be raised, we’ll raise it,” Reid said.
Cowboy's and Tea Parties Comments: Are you kidding me? Hey Turbo Tax Tim, does the words "economic collapse" mean anything to you? How about "down graded bond rating"?,.....maybe "national bankruptcy" rings a bell.
This, increasing the debt limit, really is a stupid idea placing the future of this country and our children, their children and our great grand children at signifcant risk.
Imagine a family increasing their credit card limit then using the limit. This is the same thing. The more money the U.S. borrows the more of the national revenue has to be used to pay it off, therefore the less money to pay for anything else from entitlements and handouts to national defense. Anyone who advocates increasing the national debt limit does not have this Country's best interests in mind and in fact is intentionally placing this Country at great risk.
The only way this Country can come out of this spiraling budget disaster is to repeal anti-business regulations from burdening EPA regs to Obamacare and allow U.S. business to expand and fuel higher revenue. The more money people make, the more money they spend, the more tax revenue is collected and the faster we can pay off the debt,....but we have to also cut waste and abuse, and reform entitlement programs.
Senator Eric Cantor and the Republicans has it right with their "You Cut" program and when earlier this year, they would not approve of additional government funding via a Contuning Resolution (CR) unless the Dem's agreed to cutting funding from somewhere else. Remember that we still don;t have a federal budget. Senator Hary Reid will not allo the Senate to consider the House passed budgets and Obama's sole budget proposal was voted down 99 to 0. And the American people still re-elected these Butt Clowns. Unbelievable!
Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner said Friday that Congress should stop placing legal limits on the amount of money the government can borrow and effectively lift the debt limit to infinity.
On Bloomberg TV, “Political Capital” host Al Hunt asked Geithner if he believes “we ought to just eliminate the debt ceiling.”
“Oh, absolutely,” Geithner said.
“You do? Will you propose that?” Hunt asked
“Well, this is something only Congress can solve,” Geithner said. “Congress put it on itself. We've had 100 years of experience with it, and I think only once--last summer--did people decide to use it to threaten default on the American credit for the first time in history as a tool for political advantage. And that’s not a tenable strategy.”
Hunt then asked: “Is now the time to eliminate it?”
“It would have been time a long time ago to eliminate it,” Geithner said. “The sooner the better.”
Geithner’s Treasury Department quietly warned at the end of October that the Treasury would reach current legal limit on the federal government's debt by about the end of the year.
In August 2011, President Barack Obama and Congress agreed to lift the legal debt limit by another $2.4 trillion--allowing the government to borrow up to $16.394 trillion. However, as of the close of business on Thursday, the Treasury had only $154.3 billion of that $2.4 trillion in new borrowing authority left.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) said last week that the Senate stands ready to increase the debt limit by another $2.4 trillion. “If it has to be raised, we’ll raise it,” Reid said.
Cowboy's and Tea Parties Comments: Are you kidding me? Hey Turbo Tax Tim, does the words "economic collapse" mean anything to you? How about "down graded bond rating"?,.....maybe "national bankruptcy" rings a bell.
This, increasing the debt limit, really is a stupid idea placing the future of this country and our children, their children and our great grand children at signifcant risk.
Imagine a family increasing their credit card limit then using the limit. This is the same thing. The more money the U.S. borrows the more of the national revenue has to be used to pay it off, therefore the less money to pay for anything else from entitlements and handouts to national defense. Anyone who advocates increasing the national debt limit does not have this Country's best interests in mind and in fact is intentionally placing this Country at great risk.
The only way this Country can come out of this spiraling budget disaster is to repeal anti-business regulations from burdening EPA regs to Obamacare and allow U.S. business to expand and fuel higher revenue. The more money people make, the more money they spend, the more tax revenue is collected and the faster we can pay off the debt,....but we have to also cut waste and abuse, and reform entitlement programs.
Senator Eric Cantor and the Republicans has it right with their "You Cut" program and when earlier this year, they would not approve of additional government funding via a Contuning Resolution (CR) unless the Dem's agreed to cutting funding from somewhere else. Remember that we still don;t have a federal budget. Senator Hary Reid will not allo the Senate to consider the House passed budgets and Obama's sole budget proposal was voted down 99 to 0. And the American people still re-elected these Butt Clowns. Unbelievable!
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