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Monday, January 28, 2013

Sheriff Clarke say's Arm and Protect Yourself

This is an article from Fox 6 Now News on the Milwaukee County, Wisconsin, Sheriff’s Office released a new public service announcement regarding gun safety on Thursday, January 24th that is getting attention for its bluntness.

In the PSA, Sheriff David Clarke says, “With officers laid off and furloughed, simply calling 911 and waiting is no longer your best option. You could beg for mercy from a violent criminal, hide under the bed, or you can fight back. But are you prepared?”

He goes on to say, “You have a duty to protect yourself and your family. We’re partners now. Can I count on you?”

Jacob Schneider is a firearms instructor at the MGS Group — attached directly to the Shooters Shop in West Allis. He is happy someone has finally spoken up about the need to own a gun.

“He is saying we are responsible, in a lot of cases for our own personal safety,” said Schneider.

“If he does not feel he is capable of doing this, and he’s not qualified to take on this role of public safety, he should resign and he should do it today,” said Jeri Bonavia of the non-profit Wisconsin Anti-violence Effort.

Bonavia says Clarke is asking citizens to become vigilantes.

“To issue a blanket statement that people should be out there, arming up, and taking care of safety matters that really law enforcement officials are trained to do, is just irresponsible,” said Bonavia.

The office of Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett said in a statement: “Apparently Sheriff David Clark (sp) is auditioning for the next Dirty Harry movie.”

Clarke fired back with his own statement. It read: ”Several years ago a tire iron-wielding suspect beat Mayor Tom Barrett to within inches of his life. I would think that he would be a lot more sensitive to people being able to defend themselves in such instances. A firearm and a plan of defense would have come in handy for him that day.”

On their Facebook page Friday afternoon, Greenfield Police noted to its residents, “The decision to arm yourself with a firearm is a very personal and private decision that should not be driven by fear that our officers will not respond to your calls for help.” The post urges Greenfield residents to consider taking a concealed carry class, hunter safety and education course, or even take part in the city’s Citizen Police Academy.

The PSA is one in a series of ads being run by the Milwaukee County Sheriff’s Office. The other ads address drunk driving and texting while driving. The ads will be running on multiple radio stations within southeast Wisconsin.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Protecting Yourself with Guns

BRYAN COUNTY, Oklahoma - A 12-year-old girl took matters into her own hands during a home invasion in southeast Oklahoma. In a future Obama gun restricted America, this girl just may be dead,.....or worse.

It happened on Wednesday when the girl was home alone. She told police a stranger rang the doorbell, then went around to the back door and kicked it in. She called her mom, Debra St. Clair, who told her to get the family gun, hide in a closet and call 911.

.................. That was when St. Clair dropped what she doing and raced home.

"I drove home at a really fast pace to try to get to her, and when I got here the police were already here. And they had the suspect," she said.

The during that time, the intruder made his way through the house. St. Clair's daughter told deputies the man came into the room where she was hiding and began to open up the closet door. That was when the 12 year old had to make a life-saving decision.

"And what we understand right now, he was turning the doorknob when she fired through the door," said the Bryan County Undersheriff Ken Golden.

The bullet hit the intruder, who deputies identified as 32-year-old Stacey Jones. He took off but did not get far before officers took him down.

"He was sitting down, the policemen had had him apprehended at the end of the block. All I saw was some blood coming down his back. I'm not exactly sure where his injury was, but I saw some blood there," explained St. Clair.

Jones was taken to a Texas hospital by helicopter after the incident. An investigator on the case said Jones was released from the hospital Thursday and extradited to the Bryan County Jail.

The 12-year-old girl was not injured during the ordeal.

.....and another example,......

Assault rifle saves teenagers from home invasion burglars

The teenage son of a Harris County Precinct 1 deputy shot a home intruder Tuesday afternoon in the 2600 block of Royal Place in northwest Harris County, deputies said.

The 15-year-old boy and his 12-year-old sister had been home alone in the Mount Royal Village subdivision when around 2:30 p.m. a pair of burglars tried the front and back doors, then broke a back window.

The teenager grabbed his father’s assault rifle and knew what to do with it.

“We don’t try to hide things from our children in law enforcement,” Lt. Jeffrey Stauber said. “That young boy was protecting his sister. He was in fear for his life and her life.”

The home invaders fled, leaving a trail of blood.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Foreign Aid: Needs to Go Away

Open Letter to Congress, both Republicans and Democrats,...and especially President Obama. And this is coming on the heels of the Obama Administration saying they will give Egypt 16 F-16 fighter aircraft and a large number of M-1 Abrams tanks. Remember, this is to the Morsi regime who said they only have two enemies: Israel and the United States. This is ludicous!

No matter how you spin it, or yes, even lie about it, this Country is broke. I know some of you will say we have enough money coming in from revenues, read taxes, that we can pay our bills. Oh how deceitful you are! This only counts for the some of the interest on our debt and not any of the principals, and we continue to borrow money to pay for entitlement programs while social security and Medicare are going broke.

If you really want to pay for entitlements then I suggest we quit giving our enemies the tax payers money. I know of no one who approves of foreign aid to terrorists, murders, dictators, drug traffickers and such.

In the last few years we have provided direct cash aid to the following countries, which should stop immediately.

Haiti- $1,400,000,000

Hamas - $351,000,000

Pakistan- $2,000,000,000

Libya $1,450,000,000

Egypt- $397,000,000

Mexico- $622,000,000

Russia- $380,000,000

Haiti- $1,400,000,000

Jordan- $463,000,000

Kenya- $816,000,000

Sudan- $870,000,000

Nigeria- $456,000,000

Uganda- $451,000,000

Congo- $359,000,000

Ethiopia- $981,000,000

South Africa- $566,000,000

Senegal- $698,000,000

Mozambique- $404,000,000

Zambia- $331,000,000

Kazakhstan- $304,000,000

Iraq- $1,080,000,000

Tanzania- $554,000,000

While the above funding totals a pitiful amount compared to the National debt that you have run up,...presently over $16.4 Trillion,'s a sad fact that we give this money to these mutt countries and they continue to run us down in the United Nations, voting against us and even supporting or cheering terrorist attacks on this country or our people.

Besides,....eliminating tax payer funds for even one of the above countries would pay the salary shortcoming for most of our government, sans the military.

Our retired seniors living on a fixed income, children going hungry in this Country, decayed infrastructure, there are many better targets of our money than to give to our enemies.