While conservatives know that Obamacare was not about "health care for everyone" or "insuring
the millions who are uninsured," there are still some who sing the praises of Obamacare and criticize
those who call for its repeal or nullification. Those who have supported the atrocious Obamacare and
continue to support it should explain to the millions of individuals who fall in the "coverage gap" how
good Obamacare is for the poor when these individuals can barely afford their housing. Portions of
Obamacare are holding millions back despite the rhetoric that Obamacare was designed to help the
poor and those who could not afford insurance.
President of the Florida based St. Matthew's House, Rev. Vann R. Ellison, is trying to bring
attention to the plight of those whom his organization provides assistance. Ellison claims that
individuals in the $10,000 to $12,000 per year income range, fall in the "coverage gap." His
organization cares for approximately 1,500 individuals, providing food and shelter, who are trying to
work their way out of poverty.
According to Ellison, "We generally deal with lower income people trying to get their lives
together. These people can't afford their own apartments."
Individuals in this income range earn too much to qualify for assistance under
Obamacare, often they make too little to afford coverage or can pay the "penalty" that comes
from not having an Obamacare plan. Rev. Ellison is trying to help these individuals who are impacted
by this issue. Ellison doesn't believe these individuals should pay a fine calling this an "unintended
consequence of a law that was pushed out before it was thought through."
Rev. Ellison should know that Obamacare was not about providing health care insurance for the
uninsured, the poor or those who could not afford it; Obamacare was all about control of the people
by taking over the health care insurance industry, rationing care, and ultimately leading to a
single-payer, socialist system of medicine.
Ellison states the $95 "fee" creates a hardship on these individuals since the ones his
organization cares for cannot afford their own apartments and food, much less pay for the Obamacare
plans or the penalty assessed for not having coverage. In the meantime, Ellison is trying to help and
involving members of the community.
"We're informing our local doctors. We're making sure the medical needs of the people are met,"
Ellison told the Daily Caller News Foundation.
The Daily Caller reports:
According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, about 4 million people fall into the coverage gap. As
its report notes, the expansion of Medicaid under Obamacare was supposed to address the problem,
but some states, including Florida, decided not to enact the expansion because it would owe
untold billions of dollars to the government after 2017.
Kaiser, in its report, claimed that those who are in the coverage gap would not be able to afford
Obamacare coverage without assistance. The report stated that the national average premium for a
40 year old individual who purchased their coverage though the Marketplace was $276 per
month for a silver plan and $213 per month for a bronze plan in 2015.
Part of the problem with Obamacare, other than it being unconstitutional, was the intention for
States to expand their Medicaid coverage, which States have the option to not comply.
Congress, and Obama, expected all States to expand their Medicaid coverage because "that's what
they wanted" in order to cover the uninsured poor millions who would not qualify for assistance under
the Democratic legislation. It never occurred to these narcissists some States would not go along
with their bidding, creating a coverage gap. Now that the coverage gap from Obamacare has
surfaced, what will happen to those who cannot afford coverage or who cannot afford the
Well, that falls under the jurisdiction of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). You know, that
agency who will strip you of everything you own if you don't pay, garnish your wages and totally
ruin your life; unless of course, you are a member of Congress, Al Sharpton, Hillary Clinton, an
on-air employee of MSNBC, or any number of "protected" elite. Instead of admitting Obamacare is a
failure, as it was designed to be, and repealing this atrocity or States taking the initiative and nullifying
this act, this atrocity has continued to be unconstitutional law, producing a lose-lose situation for the
citizenry. Not only do citizens have to deal with this atrocious law, they have to worry about changes
via executive whim, knowing Obamacare is nothing more than the fleecing of America.
Republicans, who dominated both chambers, cannot stand to repeal this act because they also
want to "replace" it with their own version of a health care insurance program, which is still a takeover
of the industry. Where did any of these politicians get the idea that citizens wanted a federally
controlled health care insurance industry or a socialized single-payer system since that is
where this all leads? Someone in government should explain it. Unfortunately, we the people are not
deserving of any attention whatsoever from the hacks in Washington.
No matter, those who support Obamacare will blame the States for this gap and continue to
march in lock step with the government rhetoric despite whatever the unsavory consequences of this
law are.
There are so many "unintended consequences" from Obamacare one cannot continue to think it
coincidence – just as other "unintended consequences" from other actions coming out of the District of
Corruption. American citizens can no longer afford to consider any part of Obamacare as being good
for America or having the qualities their rhetoric has declared. It's about control, wealth
redistribution, and moving into socialized medicine where rationing of health care resources
will perpetrate a genocide/democide of the less productive individuals in the country. It goes
hand in hand with the other actions of the government designed to enslave the people.
[By Suzanne Hamner posted on the International Forecaster,
http://www.theintenrationalforecaster.com ]