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Saturday, March 27, 2010

Broken Promises - Obama's Legacy

"The Great Reneger" was written, produced and sung by Michael Fischer. I take the author at his word that there is no intent to link the title of the song to the stupid, hateful and race baiting "N" word. A word any correct thinking American rejects.

Why We Have Not Yet Experienced Hyper-Inflation

Hyper-Inflation,....You know it's coming, but why has it been delayed? The U.S. is heading straight downhill towards national bankruptcy as we spend ourselves into greater and greater debt by creating entitlements and pork associated with buying votes. Glenn Beck says it much better than I can, so enjoy his video and see why Hyper-Inflation is delayed, but make no mistake about it, is coming.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Is there a Question on Ballot Box or Bullets?

The liberal media is certainly making an allegation that Republican incendiary rhetoric is fanning the flames of violence on the Legislators (all Democrats) who voted for the Health Care Bill. For instance - the commonly used term "Battleground States" to reflect states that could go either way Republican or Democrat, now mean, according to the liberal media, States where Battle type violence would occur. How dis-ingenious the liberal media are. Yes, Ann Curry - this means you. Shame on you for your shameless, slanted "interview" and line of questioning of John McCain who is an honorable man, least you forget.

What is more incendiary,....saying we're going to repeal the Health Care Bill and vote the socialists out of office? or, signing a bill in law that has not been read, that diminishing our ability to pursue happiness because of higher taxes and restrictive health care choice, ....a bill that mandates Americans purchase a product, and a bill that gives the Federal Government powers that are not enumerated by the Constitution? Maybe the fact that key Democrats are exempt from this sweeping bill is incendiary?

Having said that, nobody I know is recommending violence either an overthrow of the government or violent punishment of Democrats who floated this bill. I repeat: No sane person is advocating violence in response to Federal government legislation.

We certainly need change. The litmus test for all legislators should be their adherence to and respect of the Constitution. But this change has got to come through the ballot box and not bullets. Again, through the ballot box and not bullets.

I fear that some people will believe that the liberals will decide how this goes.

WWTJD - What Would Thomas Jefferson Do?