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Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Visualizing Obama's Proposed Budget Cuts

Already seen over 1 million times on You Tube, the following video puts Obama's proposed spending cuts in perspective.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Who is Really Responsible for the Economic Crisis?

With all this talk about the Banks and Wall Street causing the current economic crisis, it was high time to expose who is really responsible along with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. And although I gave up trying to find to find a picture of Chris "cash in my pocket" Dodd, I at least found a picture of his partner in crime,..err,..crisis,...... Barney Frank, who is best know for allowing his Gay Lover to run a butt pirate brothel in his Washington D.C. condominium.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Tea Party Cartoon

Even though the Democrats aren't publicly taking the Tea Party serious (we know they are behind the scenes), at least the cartoonist's are taking notice.