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Showing posts with label Freddie Mac. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Freddie Mac. Show all posts

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Cowboy's Comment on Current News - Nov 10th, 2011

Rick Perry’s Debate Debacle. Last night Governor Rick Perry (R-TX) apparently pooped in his bed when he flubbed his answer for what three government agencies he would get rid of if he were President. It’s actually pretty damn funny. Readers of this site will recognize that I’m not pushing for a Rick Perry nomination as the Republican candidate for President. I think Herman Cain and Newt Gingrich are mush better candidates, however really anyone would be a better President than the guy we have in office now,….even Joe the Plumber. The only excuse I would put forth for Perry is that he is a sitting Governor and has much more current responsibilities than anyone else on the debate stage, which greatly minimizes his preparation time. I just saying,...

Continued Attacks on Cain. This is the subject that makes my blood boil the most these past few days. About every liberal and leftist scum bag (there I go being overly redundant again) is attacking Cain on the sexual harassment allegations. These are the same losers and apologists when Clinton, Barney Frank, Anthony Weiner and other Dems were accused about sexual harassment, sexual assault and pornographic tendencies.

Some of the black commentators are fomenting racial division by claiming that the “rich, white” republicans will be furious with Herman Cain for sexual harassing a white, blonde woman. They call Cain “the Republican’s one Black friend”. Lost on at least 40% of the population,…….. mainly liberals, leftists, socialists and welfare cheats,……. is the undeniable fact that the only racists in today’s America are those liberals, leftists, socialists and welfare cheats who use racism and the threat of branding people as racists in order to validate their ideology.

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Aka the stimulus money pit or the Chris Dodd-Barney Frank fleecing of America . After Fannie Mae received $112.6 Billion in stimulus money (courtesy of the taxpayers of course), made necessary for Dodd and Frank’s extensive lobbying against financial oversight of these institutions, now Fannie is asking for another $7.8 Billion in federal aid. When is the Federal Government and especially the spending addicted Democrats going figure out that throwing good money after bad is not to fix anything. And not only is it not going to fix anything, it is going to make things worse.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Who is Really Responsible for the Economic Crisis?

With all this talk about the Banks and Wall Street causing the current economic crisis, it was high time to expose who is really responsible along with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. And although I gave up trying to find to find a picture of Chris "cash in my pocket" Dodd, I at least found a picture of his partner in crime,..err,..crisis,...... Barney Frank, who is best know for allowing his Gay Lover to run a butt pirate brothel in his Washington D.C. condominium.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Who is Really to Blame for the Financial Mess?

Most of us already know who is to blame for the housing market collapse.

The Bush administration and John McCain were well aware of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac's size being a major problem as well as their loan protocols to people would could not pay them back. The Democrats, led by Barney Frank (D-MA) ignored these warnings and this is why we are in this crisis now!!

I love it when you have facts on your side - nothing like video tape to refute the Democrats blaming everyone else.