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Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Obamacare Top Item on Supreme Court Term Agenda

Obamacare will be on the agenda in the new Supreme Court term that opens today, setting the stage for one of the most important decisions in decades.

We'll also see cases argued including using Law Enforcement use of GPS tracking devices without a warrant; prisoner rights issues with strip searches in jail; and free speech arguments involving radio broadcasters and television "excited utterances" with expletives.

Additionally, there are several other important cases that may make their way to the Supreme Court including racial set asides for college admissions; homosexual-lesbian adoption rights; Arizona Illegal Immigration law.

The Obama healthcare law, which of course not counting Obama's rapid and historical depletion of this Nation's treasure through gigantic debt spending, is his top signature accomplishment (too bad both "accomplishments" are destroying this nation), and after being ruled unconstitutional in many states, the Supreme Court challenge sets up one of the most important tests of the powers of the Federal
Government vice the states, as well as the U.S. Constitution possibly ever to be decided by the Supreme Court.

note: There are 26 states with lawsuits against the federal government over Obamacare.

The latest pre-Supreme ruling on Obamacare came from U.S. appeals court ruling in Atlanta that struck down the law's mandate that all Americans have health insurance. Of course, Obama's defense is that Congress adopted the law to address a national crisis that put health insurance costs beyond the reach of millions of Americans and denied coverage to millions more. But we know that's a lie. The
Democrats, and the Democrats alone, jammed this bill down the throats of Americans, pushing aside Republicans during the what? 12 hours of analysis before the bill was voted on? Remember Nancy "the babbling idiot" Pelosi saying that "we'll have to sign the bill (and enact it into law), to find out what's in it".

Monday, October 3, 2011

BET Founder tells Obama to Back Off

Black Entertainment Television founder Robert Johnson bashed Barack Obama yesterday on Fox News. The highly successful entrepreneur said “The president needs to change his message. You don’t get people to like you by attacking them or demeaning their success.”

This is of course a response to Obama's class warfare trying to take the exposure off his failures to get the economy moving and instead place it on his rhetoric that wealthier Americans need to pay more of their fair share on taxes. And you know what? No liberal to date has answered the questions, "what is a fair share?" We all know that richer Americans not ony pay a higher percentage of taxes, but much more taxes in amounts too. Not to mention the fact that is not the welfare family that is creating jobs, is the investors who have money to invest and expand. If,...and a big if this is,....government over regulation could be deregulated and a consistent fair tax could be counted on.

Robert Johnson, continued in his interview with words to the effect that "....Obama wants me to take a bigger hit (on taxes) because I am wealthy. I did not go into business to create a policy success for either party, .......I went into business to create jobs, to create opportunity, to create value for myself and my investors. In regards to Warren Buffet's statement that he is paying less taxes than his secretary,......he should pay his secretary more.

Watch the short interview with Chris Wallace below.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Enough Said

So What Party are You Affiliated With?