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Thursday, May 6, 2010

Arizona Boycott? May be just what Arizona needs

The news article from, dated August 2009, was sent to me earlier this week. I debated posting the article since some people may throw down the race card as many wrong thinking protesters have been protesting the Arizona law as racially oriented towards Mexicans who make up the vast majority of illegal aliens in this country and majority of minorities living along the Southwest Border.

I decided to post it, since I am not a racist. I think Mexican's and other Hispanic immigrants from Central and South America have contributed significantly to this country.  Aspects of their culture have greatly enriched the Heinz 57 breed of all us Americans. There  But they did so willingly assimilating to the melting pot of American culture not trying to get special privileges or entitlements, nor bashing the hands that provides an environment where pursuit of happiness is a God given right. Some of the biggest detractors of illegal immigrants, or those liberals spouting privileges under the banner of "rights", are Mexican-Americans who came here legally and worked hard to establish a good life for themselves and their children.

SO the experiences of small businesses in Victoria Texas, maybe just what small businesses in Arizona may benefit from in protest of the Arizona Illegal Immigration Law.

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