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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

CATP - And Yet Another Obama Embarrassment,....or Two!

Obama gave a recent speech in a Toledo, Ohio restaurant where he linked the Stimulus of paying auto workers (read Union members and democrat voters) to the restaurant’s benefit because the autoworkers had to have a place to eat..hence business for the restaurant. Good example of trickle down economics, in which Ronald Reagan took mega tons of Democrat garbage over. Obama would have been correct, but the Restaurant went out of business the following week. Another embarrassment for the President, following another week of terrible economic news. What is that? 125 consecutive weeks of poor economic news? Somebody could call this a trend!

Next we find the President in North Carolina, telling workers at a plant that he inherited the economic problems from George Bush, and that he and his team are doing all they can to put the country’s economic health back together. Of course, this plant is full of Union workers, whose dues go to support Democrats, and from the Democrats come ear marks and stimulus money to support the unions – kind of like an unholy alliance,…but I digress,……we come to find out that 50% of this company's products are manufactured in China!! Dohh! Another embarrassment for the President.

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