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Monday, October 24, 2011

From the Recent News

Hail Ghadhafi's Death,....makes no matter to me how he was killed, the important thing is that he is gone. There are reports coming out that he secreted over $200 Billion,....billion not million, from Libya's coffers to personal bank accounts over the world. However, the U.S. News paper, what we call the mainstream media is declaring this an Obama Foreign Policy Victory. Really. Obama bungled this from the get go not establishing clear objectives and publishing the Rules of Engagement so that the Libyan military new precisely what they do against the Libyan insurgents and get away with it. Obama Foreign Policy victory - No. If anyone get's the Blue Ribbon it should be the Libyan people.

American Troops Out of Iraq. Obama announced he was pulling out all American troops save for around 200 to 1,200 for Foreign Military Sales purposes. The mainstream media is again championing this as Obama fulfilling a promise. Well, they got that right. He did promise to end American involvement in the Iraq conflict and he has also fulfilled his promise as a naive and inexperienced leader in foreign policy. The winner's here are the Iranians who are chomping at the bit to have a clear field to wreck havoc in Iraq and bring that country into the Iranian fold either through a Iranian sparked civil war or through subversion of the Iraqi government. Commenting on the troop pullout, the Obama administration touted this as playing hard ball with the Iraqi government over the Iraqi's intransigence about signing a Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) over U.S. service member immunity from Iraqi prosecution. Chalk this up to failed Diplomacy of the Obama Administration.

Tax Brakes for Hiring Felons? California is floating a bill that would give businesses a tax break to hire ex-felons. Where is the tax break to hire a disabled veteran or any service member leaving the military? Unbelievable - but that's California.

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