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Showing posts with label Double Standard on Health Care. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Double Standard on Health Care. Show all posts

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Food Stamp and Junk Food Debate

I am sure everyone has been in the grocery store with a person in front of you using Food Stamps or the State level equivalent Did you every think "This person is poor, on food stamps but buying liquor, sodas, potato chips and other junk food with a tax payer's subsidiary?"

Well, that kind of thought is now open debate across the airwaves brought on by New York's plan to disallow the purchase of soda pop with food welfare coupons.

Kinda of a two edged sword, ain't it?

On one hand we don't want any more Government intrusions into our lives,.... and the cry for no more regulations is deafening.

On the other hand why should tax payers fund poor people's terrible eating habits, only to see these same people getting obese and developing Adult Onset Diabetes which the treatment of further depletes tax payer dollars and drives up health care costs?

I, for one, would support some type of reasonable, easy to enforce, ban on using tax paying funded food coupons to purchase liquor and junk food. How about you?

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Double Standard - No Obama Care for Obama and other Elites

Can you believe this Crap! How much more corruption are the American people going to take? From Prison Planet, 24 March 2010.

Loophole Exempts Washington Insiders From Obamacare Mandate

No Obamacare for Obama, his family, his staff, the vice president, the vice president’s staff, the rest of the administration, Nancy Pelosi, Nancy Pelosi’s staff, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, Reid’s staff, all other House and Senate leaders and their staff, all committee members and their staff.....

While declaring that rank-and-file House and Senate staff will no longer benefit from the Federal Employees Health Benefit Plan (FEHBP) and must purchase their cover from restricted federal health insurance pools, along with the rest of the surfs, the Washington elite have ensured they will not have to participate.

“Because they were more familiar with the contents of the law than anyone in the country, it says a lot that they carved out their own special loophole.” a Washington Times editorial states.

Of course, it goes without saying that the president, vice president, cabinet members and top White House staff are also exempted from the mandate to buy coverage through the exchanges.

Republican Senators Coburn and Grassley, who both twice filed amendments last year to close the loophole, have accused the Senate leadership Democrats of purposely exempting upper-level staffers from the overhaul.

“The American people will be appalled to learn the health care bill exempts leadership and committee staff. This special deal for unelected staff underscores everything the public detests about the arrogance of power in Washington ,” Coburn said. “I tried to fix this inequity along with Senators Grassley, Burr and Vitter, but Majority Leader [Harry] Reid obstructed our effort.”

Senator Grassley reiterated the sentiments in his own statement, declaring “The new health care law creates two double standards. The congressional staff who wrote the new law exempted themselves from the new health care system, while other staff will be in it.”

“And, President Obama himself will not live under Obama health care. The message to grassroots America is that it’s good enough for you, but not for us.” the Senator added.