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Friday, September 3, 2010

District Judge Feldman Stands up to Excess Federal Governmental Powers

Judge blocks motion to dismiss lawsuit against deepwater drilling ban

A federal judge on Wednesday denied a motion by the Obama administration to dismiss a lawsuit that aims to block a government-imposed moratorium on deepwater drilling in the Gulf of Mexico.

A six-month moratorium was first issued by Interior Secretary Ken Salazar in May after the April 20 explosion of the drilling rig Deepwater Horizon that killed 11 people and triggered one of the worst environmental disasters in U.S. history.

A group of companies that provide boats and equipment to the offshore drilling industry filed a lawsuit claiming the government has no evidence that existing operations pose a threat to the Gulf and asked the court to declare the moratorium invalid and unenforceable.

U.S. District Court Judge Martin Feldman agreed and overturned the ban in June. Feldman's ruling was upheld on appeal.

A second drilling ban -- set to expire in November -- was issued in July after the injunction was issued.

In the motion to dismiss the suit, the government argued the case should be thrown out because "the first moratorium has been revoked and superseded by a new, second moratorium," adding that the plaintiffs "have only challenged the May 28 moratorium and that directive has been rescinded and lacks any present legal effect."

The plaintiffs, however, argued that the new moratorium "is the functional equivalent of the first one," according to court documents.

In Wednesday's ruling, Feldman -- the same judge in New Orleans, Louisiana -- agreed, writing, "In reality, the new moratorium covers precisely the same rigs and precisely the same deepwater drilling in the Gulf of Mexico as did the first moratorium."

The government has argued that such a ban is needed to "protect communities, coasts, and wildlife" while oil and gas companies implement safety measures to reduce the risks of blowouts and oil spills associated with deepwater drilling.

Critics of the ban say it will only hurt oil and gas workers in the already hard-hit coastal communities where hundreds of jobs have been lost because of the disaster. Cowboys Note: It is not in the Obama nor Liberal DNA to understand jobs, only unemployment benefits extension and other forms of tax payer funding welfare.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

The Forgotten Reason for Secure Borders

What the liberals don't understand is that secure borders also prevent terrorists and others, intent on doing us serious harm, from entering the U.S....and not just the 20% of illegal immigrants who want to commit and benefit from property or personal crimes or the larger percentage who want on welfare, but Islamic terrorists.

This is an alarming video ever Westerner should see.

New Look at Obama and Holder's Department of Justice

How interesting? No! How damn sickening it is that the U.S Department of Justice changed their website. Gone are the colorful red, white and blue patriotic U.S. flag decorations on the page, to be replaced by stark black and white. And at the top of the page is an interesting quote: "The common law is the will of mankind, issuing from the life of the people."

Catchy, huh? Just one tiny little (too small to be relevant but still obvious point)..... the quote is from C. Wilfred Jenks, who in the 1930's was a leading proponent of the "international law" movement, which had as its goal to impose a global common law and which backed 'global workers' rights.'

Combined with the Hillary Clinton's State Department's move to bring Arizona before the U.N. Human Rights Commission outlines this Adminstrations social justice - one world government mentality.

Call it Marxism, call it Progressivism, call it Socialism, call it Obamaism - under any of those names it definitely makes the DOJ look corrupt in their sleek, new black website with Marxist accessories to match.

I know the screen print of the DOJ website is hard to read, go here to see it for yourself: