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Friday, September 28, 2012

Latest Obama Ad and Reactions

President Barack Obama is pitching a broad economic argument to voters ahead of next week's debate with Republican opponent Mitt Romney, buying TV time in seven battleground states to promote what he calls a "new economic patriotism."

In a two-minute ad, Obama looks into the camera as he promotes an economic plan he says will create 1 million manufacturing jobs, cut oil imports and hire thousands of new teachers. Notably, Obama does not mention his record like any other incumbent. He does not mention anything he has accomplished, because he has accomplished nothing positive. He blames Bush when he (Obama) not only had control, but over whelming control, of Congress for two years.

Obama say's he will create 1 million manufacturing jobs, but he has not met with his jobs council for what? over 9 months? One of his biggest donor's and primary jobs counselor, Jeffrey Immelt of GE, is moving jobs to China.

Obama say's he will cut oil imports,....maybe he will, maybe he won't, but it won't be because of drilling here in this country. Drilling on Federal land is down signficantly. Obama's is for more drilling but only when it supports other countries drilling with our money. So we pay for their drilling then pay again for oil imports. What a deal!  And gas prices twice as high as they were when Obama took office. 

Obama wants to hire more teachers. Of course he does but only if they are union teachers and in states that require Union dues to be paid. Obama does not support the Right To Work because it takes away from manditory dues to the unions which support him through campaign contributions.

This is what people on the internet are saying about Obama's latest ad:

"Frank Marshall Obama wants more time to make sure more people lose jobs and homes. Tell those clowns to keep those Marxist "FORWARD" signs they may need them to build a shelter." ~1000ja1000

"What the hell is idiot Obama talking about? He said if he could not fix things he would not seek a second term. We know this dick head is a liar but there is thousands of videos with this fool saying that. I just wonder where they find these dumb asses to show up for this fraud???" ~TheCafeVid

"We must rally around the Impeachment of Marxist Nut Frank Marshall Davis Obama." MaxOneMedia

"He says he promised to 'hear my voice', well, clearly he didn't hear my voice when he rammed through Obamacare. He didn't hear the voice of the majority of Americans, who opposed his health care plan. He rules like a king, and he doesn't give a hoot what the people think except on election day. If he's elected again, watch out. He'll be even worse in his second term. So I'll do the patriotic thing and vote for Romney in 2012. We need a change." ~ourmissboo

"First Obama has no idea what Patriotism is. Second; When he talks about hard work, he is not including millions of free loaders on welfare, He is talking to taxpayers because he is going to raise your taxes. Obama is so far from being an American, it is so clear and plain to see. He is a free loader himself. Never had a job. Do not be stupid to vote for this man. He does not care about you or your family." ~Walhei960

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

More Obama Campaign Lies

Surprise!! The Obama campaign has released yet another Television ad lying about Romney and Medicare, so it's technically a "two for".

Here's the lies: "Barack Obama will protect your guaranteed benefits and will not allow Medicare to become a voucher program,” "Mitt Romney would take away Medicare as guaranteed benefits and instead give future retirees ‘premium support’ or vouchers.”

Despite Romney and Ryan's statments that Medicare would remain the same for all person 55 years and older,...and,...based on the indisputable fact that Medicare has to be reformed at some level because it will go backrupt in 8 years,......and despite the fact that Obama and the Democrats were the one's who took $700+ billion away from Medicare putting seniors in great jeopardy in order to pay for Obamacare, the Democrat Lie machine, lead by Obama, continue to try and scare seniors. Pitiful and Pathetic.

Here's what people on the interent say about the most recent Obama lies:

First the Idiots:

"Shame on ABC for being a racist against the guy who is half Black and half White. It’s not okay to be a racist but it’s okay to be a reversed racist. Anything against Barrack Hussein Obama is racist and hates." Posted by: acd2012

"Liars. Everything Mr Obama says is easily proved to be correct. To state otherwise is simply racist." Posted by: Gobama

Now, the honest people:

"GOBAMA: It’s people like you that are dividing this country. YOU are the racist here, since you believe the only reason someone can call Obama a liar is because he’s black. YOU are the racist for wanting to protect him simply because he’s black. " Posted by: S-LA

"What do you expect from a nation divider and racebaiter? Obama VS AMERICA" Posted by: Yep I said that

"What’s the similarity between a cheap rug and Obama? They both lie". Posted by: Marc

"There is only one reason why AARP opposes the voucher system and it has only one thing do with its membership: captive insurance sales. AARP sold out its membership when it supported Obamacare and a planned $900 million reduction in Medicare spending simply because it represented an increased opportunity to sell the insurance products it represents. The way that AARP supports it’s membership, anyone can do anything to any senior as long as it does not disrupt the commissions from insurance sales." Posted by: wantingbalance

"Welcome to liberal America where lies are the normal and where incompetence is rewarded on the same level as success. Where everyone feels they are entitled to everything and should have to only put in the minimum effort for said entitlements. And responsibility is someone else’s problem. Liberal Americans are always always right and if something does go wrong well then it must be someone else’s fault. If you disagree with liberal Americans well you are called every name in the book, “Racist”, “Radical” or “Extreme” are just some of the favorite names used by the liberal Americans. Look at the very first post here!! This mentality will only get worse if Oblammer is re-elected. So when did it become extreme or radical to live within your means? Bottom line is we need a long term fix not a short term just re-elect me type fix. What we don’t need is more divisive tactics used by Team Oblammer. I guess for liberal Americans these actions equate to moving FORWARD!" Posted by: frankieworks

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Best Primer on Obamacare

Sometimes, somebody makes a concise argument presenting undisputed facts and figures to clearly present the truth. The below video is as short and clear, not to mention factual, as you will find on obamacare and the timeline for it's implementation. I wish all AMericans, especially Seniors could see this.