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Sunday, November 20, 2011

Things That Make You Go Mad

Transparency? Obama's campaign promise to have the most transparent government in history turns out just like Nancy Pelosi's promise of the same kind. Not! The Obama administration continues to keep things under wraps,...from executive orders, to hiding e-mails a concerning Fast and Furious, Solyndra and others,...and the most glaring non-transparent issue of our time, not to mention the Obama presidency is the non-release of school records, travel, employment,
passport and birth certificate. This continues to give fuel to the "Manchurian candidate" conspiracy buffs.

Congressional Corruption. Pelosi's makes money on stock IPO (initial purchase option or going public) after being involved in insider information pertaining to legislation on credit card companies. Pelosi's husband, San Francisco businessman Paul Pelosi, purchased millions in Visa stock just before Visa, also based in San Francisco, was undergoing a large IPO. Pelosi has failed to date to answer the question whether she considered it a conflict of interest for she and her husband to participate "in a very large IPO deal from Visa at a time there was major legislation affecting the credit card companies" making its way through Congress. Well, to be fair, Pelosi did answer the question in a manner befitting someone with something to hide,...."What you're contending is not true,...the fact is your basic premise is a false one.".....WHAT?

Failed Budget Budget Amendment. The House failed to pass a balanced budget amendment, largely on partisan lines.....the vote being 261 in favor and 165 opposed, short of the two-thirds majority needed to pass the amendment onto the Senate, where it would surely die anyway in a leftist controlled, Harry Reid led Senate. We are now over $15 Trillion in debt and the only something like 24 Democrats Congressmen voted for a balanced budget. With projected failure,
caused by Democratic sabotage, of the debt reduction committee's mission to cut $1.2 Trillion, this country will see inflation, more unemployment, people on the welfare and poverty rolls and another National credit rating reduction.

War Numbers Skewed. A reader sent me an editorial written by some idiot in South Texas who asked a rhetorical question to the effect "Ten years of war; Billions spent in Iraq and Afghanistan; 6,000 soldiers dead; where has that got us?" Well, I have some numbers for him: Two countries liberated; 50 million people freed; populations of several other countries now embracing freedom;
AND,.....None,...Zip,...Nada one terrorist attack on our homeland since Sept 11th, 2001.

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