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Showing posts with label Obamacare. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Obamacare. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Reader (Entitlest) Response on Obamacare Repeal Effort

We received an Anonymous (go figure) comment on the previous Cowboys and Tea Parties post "Mike Huckabee for":

I was paying over $1200 per month for health insurance. Now, for the first time I can get it for about $500 per month with pre-existing conditions...and you want me to sign a petition against it. You do you people work for? Because it is not the people of the USA.

Cowboys response:

Sorry that you were paying $1,200 a month for health care,…that sucks. Was it because the Democrats and Unions would not let you cross state lines to get better (and cheaper) coverage? Or was the high cost due to the high density of tort claims against medical doctors that drove the price of medical care sky high? Oh,…who is paying the difference in your health care costs? The tax payers are,..that's who.

I know a dozen or so people whose health care costs have gone up,...gone up to generate funds to pay for health care for people like you. In fact, military retirees, who have not received a cost of living increase in years, are now receiving about $30 less a month. Not a lot money? It is when you retirement check is only $1000 a month. You see, with the government broke, the Obama administration has to get money from where it can, to fund their entitlement and union support programs.

Bottom line, the different between me and you is that little phrase “personal responsibility”. I do not expect someone else to pay my way. I am perfectly capable of providing, to the extent I can, for my family. I am not owed anything by the people. You evidently think you are owed.

What is your pre-existing condition? Adult On-set diabetes brought on by years of eating Big Macs and Frito chips and drinking sugar laden sodas? And now you expect the tax payers to pay for your lack of personal responsibility? Shame on you! You represent the “entitlement mentality” that is driving this country into the ground. In the immortal words of Mark Levin,…”Get off the air you big dope!”

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Obamacare Ruled Unconstitutional

Yesterday, January 31, 2011 U.S. Distrcit Judge Roger Vinson ruled that the Government cannot mandate people to engage in commerce, e.g.. forcing Americans to buy Health Care, and since that portion of Obamacare was Unconstitutional and unseverable (cannot be separated) from the rest of the Act, the entire Act or Law was Unconstitutional.

Judge Vinson wrote “The problem with the (Obamacare) requirement that individuals buy health insurance is that it penalizes them for not engaging in activity.

This is one of the main arguments against Obamacare. There is an apparent dumb ass named Daniel Fisher who writes in part: “(mandating) purchase (of healthcare) is a bedrock argument of the Obamacare foes, and it must tiptoe around some inconvenient facts of daily life such as state car insurance mandates…..”

This is a backwards argument from Liberals which may be successful only with 8 year old and morons,….but a rational person can’t compare driving a 3,000 lb plus motor vehicle with mandated liability insurance is apples and oranges different from requiring businesses to provide healthcare with the mandated Obamacare requirements, which have greatly driven up prices. And also much different from requiring an individual to purchase healthcare or be fined (or maybe imprisioned in a FEMA concentration camp?),….sorry, I just had to put the FEMA reference in for all my conspiracy buff readers.

And as you know, the Obamacare mandate is only for Conservatives and Republican, or otherwise businesses that don’t contribute to Democrat Campaign coffers, since the Unions, AARP and other leftist organizations have received waivers from the mandate. Of course, this is another bribe, just like what was offered Nebraska and Louisiana.

In any event, good news that yet another Judge has viewed Obamacare through the prism of the Constitution. Still, the appeal has to go to the Supreme Court. Where the U.S. Constitution cannot help but prevail.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Reader comment on the Repeal Obamacare

Reader comment on the Repeal Obamacare Post of a few weeks ago;

Anonymous said...
I am over 60 I have raised four children work for the DOD and also a veteran. Now that somebody has finally done something that can be useful you want to repeal it just look what I have seen I can recall all of the help for the rich 2% of this country but not anything of any good that your party has done for me that would help it always sounds good when you put your spin on it but nothing that the republicans have done in the past 45 years has help Me or my family you always cost me with your trickle down economics and your still trying to continue it. I get it you are for the top 2% it a waste of money what you are trying to do you know it will not work instead of repeal sit down and fix it you know it should have been the public option . It was block all the way by the republicans so just what are you for! Give me a list of anything good that you have done for this country I mean I want to see a list of what you have done for the last 45 years that helped this country grow. I’m waiting it’s a very very short list a list means you can put more than one Item. What? You have one let me know!

Cowboy's Reply: Thank you Sir for your response. You are also entitled to our thanks for your service,...and you are entitled to your opinion,....just not your own facts.

The fact is that the richest 2% of Americans pay the lion's share of Taxes. At one time their tax rate was 75%.....Bush lowered it to something like 35%, down from 39.5%. If you make less than $250,000 a year then you not only pay a lower share of taxes but you pay at a lower rate instead. Nobody has yet to explain to the American people why any group should pay a disproportionate share of their income to the Government. This destroys initiative, as does the monstrosity called Obamacare. The Republicans brought you the lower tax rate you now enjoy. Oh yeah, plus they have kept the Socialists at bay since 1946 up until when Obama took office.

Speaking of Obamacare,....How anyone can defend it defies common sense. This bill was never debated. It was written by Democrats hidden in committee without any Republican input then voted on by Congress before anyone could read it.

If Obamacare is so good why have all the large organizations such as unions and the AARP received waivers from the Government so they are exempt from Obamacare? What is Congress exempt? Come on Partner, don't be a fool.

As far as you asking me to give you a list of what I have done for this country in the last 45 years,....well, that would be starting when I was 7 years old, and I knew the difference between right and wrong. Wrong to take money that does not belong to you,...kinda like the Federal Government. I served 22 years in the Armed Forces in a Combat Unit and earned the CIB.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Message from American Solutions on Obamacare

They still don't get it. "They" meaning the Democrats I reckon.

Earlier this week the U.S. Senate once again voted to reject the will of the American people by blocking legislation to repeal part of ObamaCare. Sen. Mike Johanns (R-NE) had authored an amendment to repeal a costly reporting requirement for small businesses found in the new health care law, but 35 Senators - all Democrats - dug in their heels and blocked the amendment, deliberately refusing to make their priorities the same as the American people's.

Because it was brought to the floor under a suspension of the rules, the amendment needed at least 67 votes (two-thirds of the Senate) to pass. The measure received bipartisan support from 61 Senators, which means it could easily pass if the Senate considers it again - perhaps next year - as a stand-alone bill.

ObamaCare threatens to hamstring economic recovery by imposing enormous new costs on American taxpayers, costs that even the Obama administration has admitted could lead to employees losing their coverage.

According to a chart compiled by the Center for Health Transformation, ObamaCare already threatens to increase costs for American businesses by more than $4 billion, and the 159 new agencies, offices, and commissions that ObamaCare creates will add even more uncertainty to an already weak economy.

It's stunning that 35 Democrats would ignore this mounting evidence against their health care overhaul - which they promised would reduce costs - but that's exactly what they did on Monday by voting to keep this destructive law intact.

That vote shows just how big of a hill we have to climb, and that's why we're continuing to build a grassroots movement to repeal and replace ObamaCare.

Thanks for all you continue to do.

Dan Varroney
Chief Operating Officer
American Solutions

Write, E-mail or call your legislators and tell them Obamacare has to be repealed.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Mike Huckabee for

Sign the Petition to Repeal The Health Care Act, otherwise known as Obamacare.

Go here to sign the petition!

Please do this now before more and serious damage is done to not only our health care system but to the founding principles of this Country.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Message from Newt Gingrich on Obamacare

On Tuesday, November 2nd, voters from across the country sent the clear message that they're fed up with President Obama's anti-jobs, big-government agenda. Tax-and-spend liberals who supported the stimulus, cap and trade energy taxes, and a government takeover of health care were voted out of office in droves in the largest wave election in 70 years.

And with all of the new voices in Congress, conservatives have an historic opportunity to change the course of the nation by reducing spending, cutting taxes, and creating an environment in which jobs can finally be created again in the private sector in the numbers that we need to cut the unemployment rate in half.

The first step they must take, however, is to repeal and replace all of the policies passed by Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid that resulted in putting more people on food stamps and prevented more people from taking home paychecks.

And at the top of the list is the repeal of ObamaCare.

No matter how much the new Congress does to encourage private sector growth, ObamaCare will become a severe drag on the economy and lead to lower quality care. Many businesses facing unknown tax hikes and enormous regulations from this law will not hire additional full time workers.

The Obama-Pelosi-Reid team also ignores the fact that major companies like McDonald's, 3M, and Boeing have said the new taxes and mandates will force them to drop coverage or lay off workers. Instead of listening to them, the Obama administration has threatened those who dare to blame higher taxes and more regulation for an inability to grow their businesses.

Cowboy's note: I have several friends of mine who received notices that their healthcare deductibles are almost going to double!

Here are some facts you need to know about ObamaCare:

* Costs taxpayers a staggering $1 trillion over the next decade.
* Increases health care spending by more than $200 billion.
* Raises drug prices and the cost of premiums.
* Raises taxes on small businesses.
* Burdens state governments with costs nearing $10 billion between 2014 and 2019.
* Forces companies to drop employer-provided health coverage for workers.
* Incentivizes individuals to drop their own coverage, pay a penalty, and only get health insurance when they get sick.

Cowboy's note: Not to mention it's unconstitutional! Something like 23 States to date have filed suit to stop Obamacare.

Despite all these problems, President Obama and his liberal allies still defend the law as good for American business. But this should not be surprising; they still defend the $787 billion stimulus legislation as good for job creation. Put simply, as long as ObamaCare is the law of the land, America will not be providing an environment that allows businesses to grow, which means accepting stagnant growth and high unemployment as the new normal.

We shouldn't have to accept that. For that reason, we must begin the process of repealing this destructive law and replacing it with common sense health reforms.

Repeal and replace will not happen overnight and it will not happen after a week's worth of debate in Congress. Repeal will require a grassroots movement that puts strong and sustained pressure on Washington.

The time to start that movement is today.

Cowboy's note: Keep up the pressure on your law makers not to be law breakers and get this crap repealed. I have the satisfaction of telling my Congressman that I would do everything in my power to get him sent home because of his votes in support of the Obama agenda. In fact, I created this blog because of Obama's agenda, my crappy Congressman and the whole taxation without representation path by the Democrats. Satisfaction I say because on Jan 2d, 2011 he will not be seated in the 112th Congress - he was defeated by a Republican in a largely Democratic demographic district.

Over the next few weeks we will be very active in starting the movement to repeal and replace ObamaCare.

We intend for this advocacy effort to be our biggest to date.

Thanks for everything you did to elect job creators last week, and thank you for all that you will do to keep the pressure on the new representatives in Congress to do the right thing.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Dr Dave Janda on Obamacare

Dr. Dave Janda discusses the rationing component inherent in ObamaCare, and the only solution being electing representatives like Dr. Rob Steele on Nov. 2nd. If this video does not scare you about big government, then nothing will.

Dr. Rob Steele must defeat Obamacare author John Dingell, sending a strong message to Defund, Repeal and Replace this disastrous bill. Support Dr. Steele today at

Friday, October 1, 2010

Amuse Yourself at AARP's Expense

Have you ever received an offer from AARP, who is of course the American Association of Retired People?? If you are already a member do you support the AARP becoming a liberal cause supportting, a socialist political action committee, using your membership dollars?

No matter what your view is on the Obamacare law that pass, and will hopefully be repealed by the new Republican majority in Congress coming soon, you would have to admit that passing a law so you can find out what is in it (Nancy Pelosi's reasoning) was really stupid,...moronic in fact.

Everything single swinging Richard in Congress who voted for it should be summarily fired. Well, the AARP was one of major groups lobbying for the passage of Obamacare even though the Medicare cuts will be devastating to the elderly. I guess so much for taking care of their membership which is the over 50 crowd.

So anyway, to crack myself up, when I get these AARP offers in the mail, I always write in a black Sharpie,..... "Leave me Alone you Communists!",..... or,...."This is the 22nd offer I have refused,..get a clue your Morons!"

Then I stuff the pre-paid envelope with carpet cleaning ads, roof repair ads and the occassional napkin with mustard stains and send back.

Hey, besides voting and doing this blog,...what else can I do in the name of justice and the American Way?

Friday, July 9, 2010

Yet Another Radical in the Obama Administration.

President Obama did it again, waiting until Congress was out of session to install Don Berwick as the man to run Medicare and Medicaid, and, be in charge of the latest albatross around the American people's necks,......Obamacare.

With Berwick we get the man who called for re-distribution of wealth from the wealthy to the poor to pay for health care...his words, to the effect: "We MUST redistribute wealth to pay for the health care of the poor."

Berwick is also known for standing up for the rationing of healthcare and his blind love fest with the British health care system,....which even the most stupid of us know, is ridiculously screwed up.

While Obama's recess appointment is a legitimate tactic since Presidents would have a very tough time filling posts due to the time (and bribery) it takes to get an appointment through Congress. But Obama had no right to install a man as polarizing, and a man who values are so far away from mainstream America. Obama makes mistake after mistake showing the American people that his far left wing agenda is much more important to him that the will and rights of the People.

Poor old Monkey-face Gibbs, the President's Press Secretary, looking like a Buffoon side stepping questions on this appointment, even from the liberal media, on this absolute anti-American appointment. Guess what Gibbs did? Re-directed the question to a non-functioning answer about who?, guessed it,..George Bush, must be his fault,.....again.