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Saturday, March 3, 2012

Obama and the Volt - The Funniest Thing This Week

On Tuesday, President Obama at a United Auto Workers conference, siad that he would buy a Chevy Volt after he left office. Obama's exact words were: “Five years from now, when I’m not president any more, I’ll buy one and drive it myself.” Obama was at the conference to cater to one of his core constituencies, Unions, and really spun the facts as to the effects of the taxpayer funded bailout of General Motors, which was really just a bailout of the union.

What's so funny about this? Just a day after Obama's speech, GM announced that they were suspending Volt production and laying off something like 1,300 workers. Talk about embarassing!! At least it would be embarassing to anyone else. But I think Obama was born without the ability feel shame and he deals with those pesky little embarassing moments by blaming someone, usually Bush, for America's troubles.

Remember Obama's goals of seeing a million electric cars on the road by 2015? Well, he is certainly on his way to meeting that goal with the 9,000 Volts that have been sold....only 900,000 some odd to go!

One more thing Mr President, won't have to wait five years to buy one. You'll be needing your own transportation come January 2013 when you leave the White House. Unless of course you have to take public transportation since your driver's license went the same way as you and your wife's law license's,......revoked.

The image of President Obama sitting in a Chevy Volt is priceless. Obama and that failed unit is a metaphor for his presidency.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Romney Attacked By Other Mormons

While it is no hidden fact that Mitt Romney's father was born in Mexico, many people don't know the extent of Mormonism with the at-large Hispanic community. It makes sense since many young Mormon men and women do two year missions all over the world in fact, bringing the Mormon brand
of Christianity to others. I studied Mormonism for almost two years, attending classes at a local Temple, recieving visiting missionarys before I decided not to join this Church - no major reasons , I just preferred a different brand of Christianity that was more ecletic in nature.

But recently there are articles coming out, of course propelled by the legacy media, about the extent of opposition to Mitt Romney by Hispanic Mormons based on Romney's stance on illegal immigration and path to citizenship.

In all of these articles one would find shorts quotes by Hispanic Mormons saying words to the effect, "We are not supporting him because of his stance on immigration.", "I would never vote for him, even though he is a Mormon, because of his anti-immigration stance.", etc, etc.

First of all the word or term these people are looking for is "anti-immigration". The Liberal politicians and left wing legacy media will often use the term "immigrants" to replace the term "illegal or undocumented immigrants". They know the difference yet they continue to spin and lie to pull support from conservatives and give to liberals. All conservatives not only support immigration, they also call for an more fair and streamlined immigration policy and process. Law breakers, those who are here illegally, should not get special priviledges.

Mormon Hispanics who won't vote for Romney simply because he believes in border security and a legal immigration process, are really saying Hispanics should get special priviledges,....they are voting their race/ethnic group and, are in fact, racists, pure and simple. Just like the actor Samuel L. Jackson, a very good actor by the way, who said he voted for Obama because he is black. Just think what would be said about Mel Gibson saying he will only vote for a white candidate? And of course, this would also be another racist opinion.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Apology to Karzai for Burning of Korans

Last week, four American soldiers were killed during Afghan rioting over the burning by U.S. troops of several Korans. Several days ago seven Army Special Forces soldiers were wounded by a hand grenade attack on their compound by Afghani's who were upset with the burning of several Koran's, and buoyed by President Obama's apology to to Karzai for this event. And now late breaking news is two more American soldiers have been murdered. Great job Mr. President!

It is not usually mentioned in the legacy press, nor in President Obama's apology, that these Korans were defaced by prisoners using them to write secret messages to fellow prisoners. In fact, the U.S. military brought in local Muslim Clerics and they were upset that fellow muslims would deface the Koran and that burning them was the only way to deal with these defaced Korans.....much like how we handle a old and frayed U.S. flag.

To add insult to injury, yesterday Obama declared that his apology "calmed things down."

Jumping on the "apology" bandwagon is the young lady in the video below, although she takes quite a different direction.

You can read the entire article with reader comments here.