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Friday, October 26, 2012

Latest on the Benghazi Coverup

The Latest on the Benghazi Coverup It seems like with each new day, new facts are exposed on the depth of the Obama coverup for him and his Administrations failures following the terrorist attack on our consulate on Benghazi, Libya where our Ambassador and three embassy employees were killed.

Now with the release of several e-mails showing that in almost real time, Obama and his key leaders knew this was a terrorist attack. The reasons eluded us for a time. We knew that the terrorist attacks would undermine Obama's message that he has defeated Al Qaeda as well as require some U.S. response which would place Obama at odds with his radical Islamist buddies. But it still didn't make sense,...why risk the election on trying to portray this as a popular demonstration gone deadly following some stupid anti-Muslim videos.

Now further information has been exposed providing a much better reason for the attempted coverup. Because 1 - the Obama Adminstration was requested to approve an upgrade in security due to threat streams and that security aproval never happened being stymied at the White House, and 2 - Obama did nothing during the attacks when the possibility exists that the Ambassador and three Americans may have still been alive seven hours after the start of the attack.

Obama administration ass clowns Leon Panetta (DoD Secretary) and General Dempsey (Chairman of the Joint Chiefs) were called to help damage control after facts came out that the military had assets including Navy jets and helicopters, plus Special Operatons Troops within one hour or so from the Benghazi target area.

Obama is also reeling from another fact that a reconnaissance drone was overhead observing and providing live feeds of the entire attack.

The vision of cockroaches scrambling for cover has recently been re-newed with Panetta and Dempsey holding a joint conference where they put forth many diverse excuses for the lack f military response including: "The basic principle is that you don't deploy forces into harm's way without knowing what's going on,....without having some real-time information about what's taking place," Panetta said. Really!! ARE YOU KIDDING ME! You had real time e-mail reports and a dam drone over the consulate!!!

Then the final nail in the coffin of this administration, or what some commentators call misfeasance on a scale 1,000 times more than the Fast and Furious gun running scandal, that Secretary of State Clinton had requested an approval to upgrade security at the Libyan Facilities and that request went un-acted upon, or disapproved by the White House.

This should bring down the Administration. Due to the deaths of Americans and the Adminstration (Obama, Biden, Clinton and UN Rep Rice) lying about all steps before, during and after the terrorist attacks, there should be impreachment proceedings and resignations forthcoming right now!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Religion in Politics

As reported on The Blaze, The Reverend Billy Graham launched a nationwide campaign with a full-page ad in The Wall Street Journal.

The ad (depicted to the left) shows Reverend Graham with the text "Vote Biblical Values". The ad advocates voters to leave behind a “legacy” for the future by casting “ballots for candidates who base their decisions on biblical principles.”

Graham, not known to previously get involved in politics has involved himself in efforts to defend traditional marriage, supporting a North Carolina’s Amendment that successfully added an amendment to the state’s constitution banning gay marriage.

While we support the ban on the use of the word "marriage" for gay partnerships, thinking that a "civil union" would esentially reflect the same rights, the issue of gay marriage isn't our primary, line in the sand issue because if this country's economy tanks,....if the rest of the World continues to test us because of our non-engaged foreign policy,....if the rest of the world cuts off our oil supply because this Adminstration fails to allow for exploiting our resources, short,.... if Barack Obama is elected again, then it won't matter what they call it whens Gay's and the like do whatever they do,....we won't have much a country left to matter, and people in food lines will care less.

He just may well see that the people supporting gay marraige re the same onws who support large fedral government, deficit spending, appeasment of Islamic extremists, proponents of unions and corruption, and, the ones trying to tear God out of our life.  From the liberals mistaken concepts of separation of Church and State, to Obama declaring this is not a Christian Nation.  We are under attack from all angles.  Billy Grahma gets it.  

We appreciate a man of Reverent Graham's character realizing this election is the most important one in history and glad he sees the need to get politically involved. God Bless You, Reverend Billy Graham.

As a bonus watch the video of Congressman Paul Ryan explaining why Religious freedom is our first freedom.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

The ObamaCare Survival Guide

Hopefully this point will become mute in November when Mitt Romney gets elected President,....but just in case we and this Country loses again, the Obamacare Survival Guide, written in simple language by award-winning journalist and health author Nick J. Tate, is available to help citizens and small business owners navigate the pitfalls and problems that will undoubtedly negatively impact your life.

The Tea Party Net published this primer on the Obamacare Survival Guide:  

Intentional Pitfall #1: Robbing Peter to Pay Paul
ObamaCare essentially 'robs Peter to pay Paul'. How? Well, if you're a senior, you'll be fleeced by the $716 billion in Medicare cuts designed to substantially fund the ObamaCare plan over the next decade. As you'll read in the ObamaCare Survival Guide, the biggest Medicare spending cuts will come in two key areas you need to know about in order to protect yourself. And that's just the beginning…

Intentional Pitfall #2: Insurance Companies Free to Pass On Increased Costs 
Under the new ObamaCare mandates, insurance companies will have free rein to pass on their increased costs to you in the form of: • Higher premiums • Higher co-pays • Higher deductibles There are no specific price controls to keep the insurance industry in check. Even AARP, the powerful lobby representing American seniors, has already increased the health insurance premiums of its employees from 8 to 13%.  

Intentional Pitfall #3: Widespread Doctor Shortage Expected
While many Americans are unhappy with ObamaCare, doctors have been particularly angry. The earning potential of doctors is expected to dwindle due to lowered payment rates for Medicare, among other things. Up to 40% of physicians could retire or seek a non-clinical or even a non-medical job. And with 30 million more Americans on healthcare insurance plans, not only could there be a medical 'brain drain', but also long drives and long waits to see a doctor.  

Intentional Pitfall #4: Delayed Implementation and Hundreds of Unwritten Rules
Shockingly, many of the rules and regulations needed to make the new healthcare system function correctly haven't even been written yet. And as costs inevitably balloon higher than expected, benefits for consumers are likely to degrade significantly, particularly for seniors, the highest users of healthcare services.  

Intentional Pitfall #5: Unelected Government Officials Will Have Total Control to Make Decisions about Your Healthcare
"Healthcare commissars" who don't have to worry about being elected by the American people will have undemocratic, totalitarian powers to cut Medicare spending and make decisions on your behalf as a so-called Independent Payment Advisory Board. And this is just the tip of the iceberg…....

Click on this link to see the Obamacare Survival Guide offer.