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Thursday, December 13, 2012

Michigan Democrat Threatens Violence over Right To Work Vote

Michigan Democrat Threatens Violence over Right To Work Vote following union violence. Michigan Democrat Representative Douglas Geiss committed some jackassery when he twitted that "there will be blood in the streets" after Michigan passed the Right to Work Law which re-affirmed the First Amendment of "free association". If this was a conservative law maker there would be a deafening cry from the lame stream media to hang this guy.

The offending tweet, from this ass twit, followed the union violence against conservative reporters and people in wheel chairs a couple days ago and reported on Fox Newsd by Steve Crowder who was assaulted by unions thugs.

The Union's and the Democrats put forth the argument that the Republican controlled Legislature rammed the Right To Work Law through without public debate or Democrat input. Whereas the facts are that the people of Michigan voted in conservative tea party representation in the historic 2010 election and in-coming representatives Patrick Colbeck and Mike Shirkey started working toward legislation to ban mandatory union membership and the obligatory union dues as a condition of employment in Michigan. They even got in front of unions to detail their plan.

The people of Michigan also elected a businessman for their Governor, Rick Synder, obviously hoping that his business insight and pro-business strategy could help Michigan reverse their economic downward spiral. The Michigan democrats and unions need to understand that the definition of insantiy ois doing the same things over and over again and hoping for a different outcome. Forcibly making workers join a union, stealing money for union dues from their paychecks and lying about Republicans is doing the same thing that has helped cause the Michigan economic situation to tank. Hopefully now business can re-consider moving to Michigan to stop the hemoragging economy.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Unions Riot In Michigan

How can you have not heard about the State of Michigan passing the "Right to Work" law? And what exactly is "right to work", doesn't everyone have a right to work? No, not exactly,...many states require people that want to work in certain jobs join a union, and forcibly pay union dues despite the worker's problem with the union using that dues money for political pandering and campaigning exclusively on the behalf of the Socialist,..err.,,,,Democrat Party.

We see Obama on Television saying that Right to Work legislation will diminish workers rights? Oh yeah? How so? What he is really worried about is the diminishment of money flowing into Democrat campaigns.

Despite the fact that the Michigan unemployment rate is much higher than neighboring states and that business are either re-locating outside of Michigan or not considering moving to Michigan, Unions in their selfish interest are planning on protesting, stopping work, striking and starting a civil disobedience campaign in their anger.

Never mind that Governor Synder has said, many times, that he supports organizing and collective bargaining, he also supports allowing people the freedom of association, which by the way is a First Amendment right!

Well none of that matter to the United Auto Workers (UAW) yesterday which rioted against the Right To Work legislation. During the demonstration turned riot many of these UAW members attacked news people and conservative organizaton monitoring the riot, tearing tents down andassault eldery people, some of them in wheel chairs. Ah Ha! the riot shows it's true colors. And we also saw news reports of the Detroit City Council emploring Obama to "bring home the bacon". Apparently, from the mouth of a bacon backed, barely literate council member, they (meaning Detoit) helped Obama win re-election so now they want their payback.

But don't mention the fact that Detroit is a failed city with abandoned buildings and a fleeing population, because the Unions and Democrats will blame someone else. The Motor City has lost almost 250,000 people bringing the current population close to, or just under 700,000 which is the lowest figure since before World War I. With 80,000+ unoccupied houses or apartments, it is looking like a ghost town.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Tea Party Revival

Grover Nordquist Predicts Second Tea Party Wave which is a no-brainer considerating how out of control the Federal Government is with spending (and wasting) taxpayers money and having the audacity to ask for even more taxes!!

The Republican Party, under the butt clown Boehner looks to waffling by agreeing to tax increases furthering the ire and subsequent wrath of Americans, or at least those Americans with American values.