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Showing posts with label Unions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Unions. Show all posts

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Michigan Democrat Threatens Violence over Right To Work Vote

Michigan Democrat Threatens Violence over Right To Work Vote following union violence. Michigan Democrat Representative Douglas Geiss committed some jackassery when he twitted that "there will be blood in the streets" after Michigan passed the Right to Work Law which re-affirmed the First Amendment of "free association". If this was a conservative law maker there would be a deafening cry from the lame stream media to hang this guy.

The offending tweet, from this ass twit, followed the union violence against conservative reporters and people in wheel chairs a couple days ago and reported on Fox Newsd by Steve Crowder who was assaulted by unions thugs.

The Union's and the Democrats put forth the argument that the Republican controlled Legislature rammed the Right To Work Law through without public debate or Democrat input. Whereas the facts are that the people of Michigan voted in conservative tea party representation in the historic 2010 election and in-coming representatives Patrick Colbeck and Mike Shirkey started working toward legislation to ban mandatory union membership and the obligatory union dues as a condition of employment in Michigan. They even got in front of unions to detail their plan.

The people of Michigan also elected a businessman for their Governor, Rick Synder, obviously hoping that his business insight and pro-business strategy could help Michigan reverse their economic downward spiral. The Michigan democrats and unions need to understand that the definition of insantiy ois doing the same things over and over again and hoping for a different outcome. Forcibly making workers join a union, stealing money for union dues from their paychecks and lying about Republicans is doing the same thing that has helped cause the Michigan economic situation to tank. Hopefully now business can re-consider moving to Michigan to stop the hemoragging economy.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Unbelieveable News, Mid December Edition

Several things in the news struck me as unbelieveable.

Obama approval rises. Unbelieveable as the jobless rate climbs; as Obama in the shadow of the looimg fiscal cliff hasn't met face to face with Congress since November 16th and now has went on vaction through the end of December; as the federal debt climbs to well over $16 Trillion, and as Obama asked Congress to do away with the debt limit and let him spend on whatever he wants to spend it on.

Unbelieveable that Obama is spending $4 million of tax payer money for his vacation while people reside in New York and New Jersey without power or running water while FEMA sits idly by; and Obama renders his suport for unions fighting against the "right to work" legislation being pushed by more and more states. Why would anyone be against the right to work without paying union dues? Because the Unions want workers to be forced to pay union dues to work so they have a bigger war chest to put forth a political agenda to keep Obama and other socialist/communist in charge.

Unbelievable that a West Point Cadet quits West Point without incuring any pay back costs for his education nor required military service. Then he is allowed to run his stinking pie hole about how his "rights" were abused because West Point is a culture that promotes prayer and religious activities and "disrespects nonreligious cadets". Well here's a clue you ass clown of a human being, there are no non-religious people when people are shooting at you. And the main reason people are trying to kill us now days is because WE ARE A CHRISTIAN NATION, no matter what Preident Obama says.

Oh, by the way, the Cadet's name is Page, and he is being medically disqualified because of clinical depression and anxiety. He (Page the whiner) said his condition has gotten worse since his father killed himself last year. Page plans of living with his grandparents - probably drawing social security disability for emotional problems. I for one am glad as hell he did not get into a position to lead this country's best.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Unions and their Entitlements Destroying America

Now it's not just Wisconsin, but Indiana is addressing the destruction of America by the Unions and their entitlement mentality. I believe that most Americans don't know the issues with the Unions, the power of their collective bargaining and the ramifications (read havoc) that their "rights", pensions and other entitlements have brought to the States' budgets and, indeed, this Country.

Article from Yahoo! News by William Browning – Feb 22

Indiana has joined the labor union fight between Democrats and Republicans. Democratic lawmakers fled the state to protest the right-to-work law in front of the state legislature.

What is a right-to-work law? Here are some facts about what is known as right-to-work in the United States.

Right-to-Work and Labor Unions

When a law deals with the right to work, it talks about how labor unions are funded and empowered in various states. Some states require employees to be part of a union if they want to work for certain agencies. Other states do not have such a requirement. It's called "right-to-work" because employees won't have to pay anything to have a job if they don't want to.

Cowboy's Comment: "Yeah, pay dues to the union which in turn use it to fund the campaign coffers of Democrat candidates, which perpetuates the power of the unions. You all heard President "Community Organizer" Obama state his opposition to union reforms that the Wisconsin Governor is trying to do....Obama called it an attack on the unions."

For example, in a right-to-work state, one can be a teacher without paying into the teachers' union. In a state without such a provision, employees are required to pay union dues for a union job. For workers, living in a right-to-work state means you don't have to pay union dues. Should the union strike, you would not have voting rights in the organization and can walk across picket lines.