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Wednesday, March 14, 2012

What A Disgrace!

Seemingly only reported by Fox News, an American flag with President Obama's image in place of the stars, flown over Democrat Headquarters in Lake County Florida is causing quite a ruckus with patriotic Americans, not to mention enraging Veterans. The common description of this act was "disgraceful!".

After a ton of complaints, Lake County Democratic Party officials took down the flag. "It's absolutely disrespectful," Jim Bradford, a 71-year-old veteran who participated in the Bay of Pigs Invasion told "It's totally ridiculous. To put somebody's picture there, to me, it's a disgrace to do that."

Bradford, an organizer with the Veterans Memorial at Fountain Park in Leesburg , Fla., snapped photos of the flag and distributed them to fellow veterans and friends. By late afternoon, he and several other veterans delivered a copy of the federal flag code to Nancy Hurlbert, chairwoman of the Lake County Democratic Party.

"We read that to her, but she would not accept that," Bradford said. "The discussion finally got a little bit heated."

The flag, which had been flying for several months was later removed by Hurlbert.

Bradford said Hurlbert apologized for the incident, but did not offer any promises that it wouldn't fly again.

"What really upsets me is that the flag had apparently been flying for months and no one had done anything about it," Bradford said. "I've got no hard feelings toward [Hurlbert], but people will be driving by there to make sure it doesn't go up again."

Hurlbert believes "........that it's not about the flag," she told, "Certain elements cannot accept Barack Obama as president."


Well Hurlbert, you dolt, it is about the flag, but with Obama's image, it is adding insult to injury. Nobody in elected office has done more damage to this country than the Clown in Chief. If you want to do something for Obama the Destroyer, then nominate him for a Peace Prize or something,....oh wait,..someone already did that.

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